00:00:01.082 --> 00:00:02.869
Hello everybody, welcome to the Fire Science Show.
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The modern building environment is going through some sort of sustainability revolution, as you obviously have noticed around, with carbon dioxide becoming one of the enemies.
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One of the goals is to get rid of it or get rid of the carbon footprint, and there's a ton of new things introduced into the market that allows us to actually play with the carbon footprint of our buildings.
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One of such things are new materials, bio-based materials.
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They are made from living plants which grow.
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They take CO2 from the atmosphere, they store them inside and you cut them off and put forever into your building.
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Well, saying forever perhaps is a bit too optimistic, but at least they allow you to store this for quite a long time.
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And they have other benefits too.
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Now, the issue with those is obviously, as you can imagine, they pose new challenges from fire safety engineering perspectives.
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They usually exhibit different fire behaviors than mineral materials.
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And, yeah, because they're novel, because they've never been systematically studied, the amount of knowledge we have is quite limited.
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We can only base on some of our previous experiences.
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But it's not that you can always extrapolate from one material to another, not that we often have a choice, but, yeah, better to have science and experimental knowledge on the material property before you start placing it in your buildings.
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Now to close on that loop.
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As you can imagine, that's exactly what we have for you in today's episode of the Fire Science Show.
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We're going to be talking about experiments and new knowledge regarding bio-based insulation materials.
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My guest is Sudhoff from the DBI.
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This was a subject of his PhD.
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I actually love interviewing PhD students and young PhDs because they are usually very passionate about their subject and actually their knowledge is very, very in-depth, and this is the case as well.
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So, with Patrick, we're going to venture into the world of bio-based insulation materials and we're going to unravel some challenges regarding them.
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I can spoil that smoldering will be a big part of this episode.
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So sustainability revolution is coming to us.
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We need to insulate our buildings.
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We need to reduce carbon footprints.
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Bio-based insulation may be the answer.
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Let's learn.
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The fire challenges related to this solution may be the answer.
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Let's learn the fire challenges related to this solution.
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Welcome to the Firesize Show.
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My name is Wojciech Wigrzyński and I will be your host.
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This podcast is brought to you in collaboration with OFR Consultants.
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Ofr is the UK's leading fire risk consultancy.
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Its globally established team has developed a reputation for preeminent fire engineering expertise, with colleagues working across the world to help protect people, property and environment.
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Established in the UK in 2016 as a startup business of two highly experienced fire engineering consultants, the business has grown phenomenally in just seven years, with offices across the country in seven locations, from Edinburgh to Bath, and now employing more than a hundred professionals.
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Colleagues are on a mission to continually explore the challenges that FHIR creates for clients and society, applying the best research experience and diligence for effective, tailored FHIR safety solutions.
00:03:34.646 --> 00:03:42.360
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Who would like to collaborate on fire safety futures this year, get in touch at ofrconsultantscom.
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Hello everybody, I am joined today by Patrick Sudhoff from DBI.
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Hello, patrick, good to have you on the show.
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Hi, wojciech, thank you very much for having me.
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We're going to talk about biobased installation materials.
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I don't think I've had that topic on my podcast yet.
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Materials I don't think I've had that topic on my podcast yet.
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So an exciting opening.
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And, of course, the world of sustainability welcomes us.
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So I hope this will be interesting to a large audience.
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And my first question is what made you pick this topic for your research.
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I would say it's quite unique actually.
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Yeah, that's true.
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So it's based on my master thesis, which I did at the University of Applied Sciences in Magdeburg-Stendal, also where the research I present here was carried out.
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And yeah, I was really fascinated by these flameless combustion mechanisms and so I wanted to dig into them because, as you mentioned, it's still a niche, but these materials are getting used more and more and we have to consider the combustion behavior of them, so I wanted to have a look at it.
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For us it was a very similar pathway with the green walls.
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We're doing a lot of external facades and green walls and it also lot of external facades and green walls and it also like felt.
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Oh yeah, this is a.
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This is an obvious direction that everyone is going in, in the world of architecture at least, but no one understands it from the fire perspective and, of course, fire behavior is not very obvious.
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So, uh, was the smoldering because you mentioned flameless combustion, you referred to smolderingering Was the smoldering immediately the direction of the research or was it an outcome of some experiments or work before?
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So in Germany we had quite some research projects regarding biobased insulation materials About eight to 10 years ago.
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There were some initiatives to extend the applic for, let's say, more Than Just Insulation.
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It covered not only fire behavior but also soundproofing, thermal insulation, sustainability, moisture protection and emissions.
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The aim was in general and there was a political will to force the extension of the applicability to examine the behavior of bio-based insulation in general.
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But of course the fire safety is one of the main aspects.
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What were the drivers for it?
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Green deal, eu policy, sustainability.
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Carbon sinks like all of the usual aspects.
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Carbon sinks like all of the usual specifics.
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I mean when we consider that buildings in total have a global CO2 impact of 15% or so and the insulation is one important measure to improve the energy efficiency, we have to consider which type of insulation we want to use, and in these terms, we have also to consider the gray energy, so the energy which is being used to produce the materials, and also the CO2 impact of the insulation itself.
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So when we talk about sustainability with the three dimensions environment, economic and and social aspects One thing is the environment itself, but we also have to consider the social aspect, and that means a fire safe, and the idea was to use more of these materials from an environmental point of view.
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But on the same side, we have to consider then some under safety aspects.
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But the applicability itself is an outcome of the U-factor how well it insulates the energy taken to produce the material and transport and everything and the overall CO2 impact, which I assume can be negative because that's common for biomaterials the insulative properties, how good those materials are, because I guess that would be a driver for many projects.
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You have to get specific EU values.
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You want to have your passive house, you want to have elite certificates and stuff like that.
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Does it match the commonly used natural mineral wool materials or polystyrene and so on, the usual pre-bio era materials?
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Yes, indeed.
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So, for example, if you consider the thermal conductivity, they have comparable values, maybe slightly higher values of 0.04 or 0.038.
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One advantage of the biobased materials is the low thermal diffusivity, so you have a quite high heat capacity and that's good in terms of summer heat protection, so they can prevent the heat to go through the wall for a longer period of time, and that might be important in the future.
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And yeah, other advantages are that they have a quite high moisture diffusivity and when you think about the humidity, the interior climate, it's good to have a material which is able to transport the moisture which is generated inside the building to the outside.
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Besides that, as you mentioned, we have compared to the mineral materials, the carbon storage.
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So during the growth phase we store, for example, wood fiber, co2 equivalent of 1.5 kilogram per one kilogram of insulation, and they also have better recyclability than other materials.
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I am going to be annoying to you, sorry.
00:10:14.208 --> 00:10:16.299
What about biological damage?
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You said they transport moisture pretty well, but wouldn't the moisture transport within a bio-based material be a reason for biological damage to that material?
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yeah, of course there are certain limits for the humidity, so you also have to make sure that the construction is itself is diffusion open, so that you will not collect the humidity inside of the construction, which would then lead to damages.
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But yeah, with, for example, a timber frame construction or also an exterior wall, in general it is possible to build a diffusion opening.
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I think we didn't define the biobased insulation materials, so maybe we can give a list of what type of materials are we using?
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Do you group them?
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How do you subdivide them?
00:11:07.702 --> 00:11:31.432
Yeah, so bio-based insulation materials in general are materials from renewable raw resources, for example, wood, cellulose, straw, hemp, jute, cork, wheat, seaweed, but also some fungal base, so mycelium or textile fibers are a source for the insulation.
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So, yeah, there are lots of different raw materials which you can use, and it depends, of course, on the availability of the material which you should use.
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In the Grand Design series they were using sheep wool.
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I loved sheep wool as an insulation material.
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Perhaps we can get into the carbon footprint of sheep wool at some point, but let's continue.
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Where do you put those?
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Is this like a general insulating material that you would put in normal places in your building?
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Where do you find use for those materials?
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There are different fields for the applicability.
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One is timber framing, so, for example, cavity insulation in load-bearing or non-load-bearing walls or ceilings.
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You can use it as roof insulation, like between-raster insulation, but also for interior insulation or soundproofing, or in terms of facades, when you think about external wall insulation, composite systems, for example.
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There you could also use these insulation materials or even for rear ventilated facades.
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Okay, so far sounds great.
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We have a material, bio-sourced, preferably from waste, negative carbon footprint, fantastic properties.
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It just burns, and that's when you come in with this research behavior.
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First, maybe let's start with ignition, like how prone they are to ignition, are they easy to ignite?
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Have you, have you measured that and have you analyzed any measures to prevent or safeguard them?
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So when we talk about ignition we have to think about the scenarios which are likely to ignite them.
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We can maybe distinguish between a facade and a component or a component, for example a timber frame, wall or ceiling.
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The most likely scenario would be an external heat flux, so for example, a compartment fire which would lead to a thermal exposure of the wall and, depending on the cladding, for example a Gibson plasterboard or so you can reach critical temperature or critical heat flux behind them.
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Besides that, you can also think of other hot surfaces.
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So when you think about a chimney, for example, which could be close to an insulation material, that might be also an ignition source.
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And there are certain others, for example electrical fault arcs, which are, according to our research, not so likely.
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Likely scenario is either also a compartment fire, so an exposure from the inside, or maybe a garbage can, a burning garbage can on the ground, but also flying sparks from a neighbor's burning balcony would be a scenario.
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So these are the different scenarios we are talking about.
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Usually the material is encapsulated somehow and this is also then relevant for the ignition itself.
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So when we examine ignition temperatures we can distinguish between an exposed surface and also a long-term exposure.
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For example, we put some samples cubic samples in a hot storage oven overnight and 170 degrees were enough for a thermal runaway of these materials.
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So that might be not a realistic scenario for a wall or a ceiling, because it's three-dimensional and it's uncovered.
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But when you think about a long-term exposure, for example a chimney, the ignition temperature might be relevant.
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For claddings, for example, we have higher ignition temperatures of 300 to 400 degrees.
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With the thermal runaway you mean like onset of some sort of self-ignition.
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Biological or decomposition properties Like we know, like linen and cloth, will give you like self-ignition at some point because of the reactions there.
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So is this a similar mechanism?
00:16:06.631 --> 00:16:30.066
Yeah, it's not a biodegradation mechanism, also not based on the carrier also, but with the higher temperatures you have a certain heat release in your sample and depending on the volume of your sample and the surface, you have a balance between the heat generation and the heat loss to the sides.
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And there's a critical point that's kind of a critical ambient temperature also where you have, depending also on your cube size or on your sample size, have a high heat generation depending on the volume and compared to that, low heat loss on the sides.
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And then you have this kind of ignition, self-ignition, thermal runaway point Going back to your scenarios.
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I'm not sure which would worry me more the flashover compartment fire that eventually transitions to the wall, or a small like arc, or failure in electrical system.
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I think I would be more worried about the small one, you know, because if if my house went through the flashover I'm not sure if the fact if my hemp wall is still there or not is my biggest concern in my life at that point I probably could understand.
00:17:25.134 --> 00:17:29.063
I mean, as long as they don't contribute that much to the fire.
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But I assume that's the reason you encapsulate them.
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That's actually interesting that you've brought them so.
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You would say that in normal, everyday use encapsulation is the typical approach, like unlike wood where architects would like to have them exposed.
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I guess there's not that much sexiness in sheep wool exposed in your room, right?
00:17:50.951 --> 00:17:51.934
Right, that's true.
00:17:51.934 --> 00:18:12.718
So usually with timber framing, where you would use a cavity insulation like loose fill, blown-in insulation or even mats, you would have some kind of planking or cladding and depending on the thickness of your cladding, you have a certain ignition protection.
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For example, two layers of 18 millimeter Gibson plasterboard would protect your insulation for at least 60 minutes with standard fire curve and we also did some experiments with the natural fire curve, which considers structural fire loads, so exposed timber in the projects.
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But what you have to consider is when you have, for example, electrical installations, for example, a socket would be an entry point.
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So even when your cladding would be able to protect it, if you have a light switch or a power socket in your cladding, that's an entry point and that's where the 60 minutes might be, not the time which you can use as an ignition prevention.
00:19:03.684 --> 00:19:09.847
I wonder even, perhaps drilling a hole through the wall could be, in a way, an entry.
00:19:09.847 --> 00:19:16.675
Yes, right, have you tested various scenarios like that Sensitivity to those openings?
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Yeah, and so in the OPRA tech project so that's a project on the optimization of firefighting procedures, the optimization of firefighting procedures, where also the Institute for Fire and Disaster Prevention Heiratsberge and also the fire brigade Hamburg was involved we did experiments with several components and especially at these electrical installations or we could detect smoldering afterwards, and also, like you mentioned, a screw or something which is drilled afterwards into it might be a problem to the ignition prevention.
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So ignition prevention is one point, but you also should then try to limit the smoldering itself, the spread, and to enable firefighting mechanisms, because you cannot totally exclude a smoldering itself, the spread, and to enable firefighting mechanisms, because you cannot totally exclude a smoldering.
00:20:12.809 --> 00:20:14.134
Okay, now we're going to make the addition.
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How do you do that?
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How do you limit the smoldering in the wall?
00:20:17.349 --> 00:20:25.734
First of all, you have your studs, which inside of a timber frame provide some prevention to a spread.
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Of course it can also take over to another frame.
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We observed, especially in combination with OSP boards, that smoldering can also occur at these OSP materials and then that enables a spread from one frame to another.
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In general the smoldowing velocities are quite low, so inside of a component we have about 10 centimeters per hour.
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Of course depending on oxygen supply and the heat transfer mechanisms, but as a rule of thumb inside of a component we have 10 centimeters per hour.
00:21:06.643 --> 00:21:10.190
So it's quite a slow combustion.
00:21:10.190 --> 00:21:39.666
But still when we have undetected smoldering over several hours, that poses a risk not only to the separating function of a wall but also perhaps to the structure where I also can maybe recommend your episodes with smoldering of mass timber from Harry Mitchell or the timber column failure and the decay phase with Thomas Ganey and Jochen Sefus.
00:21:40.589 --> 00:21:44.056
Is this type of smoldering that you observe?
00:21:44.056 --> 00:21:48.763
Is this sufficient to trigger a smoldering in CLT, like you would say?
00:21:48.763 --> 00:21:49.744
It can transition.
00:21:49.744 --> 00:21:56.063
You said it transitions to OSP or the energies, or I don't even know how to define it.
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I'm not sure if you can speak about ignition temperatures.
00:22:00.340 --> 00:22:06.423
I guess there's some minimal energy that has to be to become an onset of smoldering in the CLT.
00:22:06.423 --> 00:22:10.981
So I wonder if smoldering in a bio-installation would have that.
00:22:11.849 --> 00:22:19.430
Yeah, so in experiments with components we observed that it can also affect, for example, a stud.
00:22:19.430 --> 00:22:32.439
So usually you would and that's also a thing to consider usually you would stop a fire resistance test after, let's say, 60, 90 or 120 minutes and then you would end the test and that's it.
00:22:32.439 --> 00:22:37.823
But in terms of smoldering, yeah, that's not the main issue.
00:22:37.823 --> 00:22:40.980
It happens after our primary fire event.
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So we observed after we put out some specimens out of the furnace.
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We put out some specimens out of the furnace.
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We observed then hours, six, eight hours later that the whole component was affected by the smoldering, and also stud between two frames can be affected.
00:23:01.032 --> 00:23:03.758
So that can be an issue.
00:23:03.838 --> 00:23:05.201
Yes, With this test test.
00:23:05.201 --> 00:23:10.371
Is this referring to k2 uh fire resistance glass, or is it something different?
00:23:10.872 --> 00:23:21.094
so yeah, there were k2 capsule criteria is a thing which is used for the building code, but I mean with the k2 criteria.
00:23:21.094 --> 00:23:27.982
You would test it with not the insulation behind, but I think it's OSB or wood.
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Or brook.
00:23:30.993 --> 00:23:41.450
Yes, so we are also doing experiments just with the insulation between the cladding or an ignition protection to give it a value.
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The K2 criteria is used now in Germany to say something about the ignition and in the future we will also have more methods with the upcoming Eurocode, with the charring rate.
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Charring rate or key char to estimate the ignition behind.
00:24:01.390 --> 00:24:03.598
Because K2, I think at a point you can have 180.
00:24:03.598 --> 00:24:08.304
, and you've mentioned earlier a nonsense of smold smoldering at 170.
00:24:08.304 --> 00:24:14.426
So that's awfully close, even though it's just, like you know, a single point and perhaps end of the test and so on.
00:24:14.426 --> 00:24:22.171
But but still I don't have this comfortable margin of safety that I would normally like in my uh fire resistance stuff.
00:24:22.211 --> 00:24:23.534
Right yeah, right.
00:24:23.534 --> 00:24:36.962
So when you want to be sure, then I would recommend for 60 minutes two times 18 millimeters, and yeah, otherwise then you would have to do some more performance based design.
00:24:36.962 --> 00:24:41.781
That would be an alternative to use different setting types.
00:24:42.869 --> 00:24:49.281
And did you observe any transition to flaming after some time, like when you've reached the end of the sample edge?
00:24:49.281 --> 00:24:50.844
Yeah, actually yes.
00:24:51.411 --> 00:25:06.586
So we did experiments, for example with the component at the 1x1 meter furnace with the Gibson plasterboard on the fire-exposed side and the MDF board on the unexposed side.
00:25:06.586 --> 00:25:16.470
We just used 15 minutes of standard ISOCUR for the exposure, so we wanted to facilitate the smoldering inside.
00:25:16.470 --> 00:25:38.902
And then we took out the samples, placed them aside and you could observe with the thermal imaging, but also with thermocouples, that with this spread of about 10 centimeters an hour, sometimes less, the smoldering front reaches, or reached after some time, the outer surface.
00:25:38.902 --> 00:25:53.221
And then there was also smoldering of the MDF and after you had the hole burned through, there was enough air supply so that you have this smoldering to flaming transition phenomenon.
00:25:54.604 --> 00:25:55.105
00:25:55.105 --> 00:25:59.869
I wonder how that will scale to issues at the building scale.
00:25:59.869 --> 00:26:03.575
I mean, it's a difficult discussion.
00:26:03.575 --> 00:26:11.892
You know whether those phenomena are important, impactful or or not and I I I'm undecided yet.
00:26:11.892 --> 00:26:13.234
I I don't know if.
00:26:13.234 --> 00:26:41.769
If this is important at the building level, fire safety, or this is just a feature and we'll have to just live with that and accept that it happens, definitely must be a complication for firefighters to uh to investigate a scene after that, and I think the minimum required to use of materials like that is that the firefighters are informed that there actually is this type of material exhibiting this type of the behavior in your building.
00:26:41.769 --> 00:26:47.185
Regarding those recordings, you just recorded the surface of that, or or you had to cut it to find it, or you can see that there's smoldering happening behind the surface of that.
00:26:47.185 --> 00:26:53.970
Or you had to cut it to find it, or you can see that there's smoldering happening behind the surface board with some FLIR thermal camera easily.
00:26:54.550 --> 00:27:08.844
Yes, so we had FLIR thermal imaging on both sides of the component and additional thermocouples inside so you could really follow the smoldering from the exposed side to the unexposed side.
00:27:08.844 --> 00:27:21.884
But I totally agree that we're testing in a quite small scale and it's a different thing when you have a building and a whole construction, not only a wall.
00:27:21.884 --> 00:27:41.801
So I think we have to do more research in general on these materials, but also on these special phenomena like smoldering to flaming, because it's, in my opinion, still poorly understood what the critical conditions are for this transition.
00:27:42.270 --> 00:27:42.451
00:27:42.451 --> 00:28:02.362
What you said is the part that kind of terrifies me, because you could have a fire onset of smoldering on one side of the wall and the smoldering transitioning into the other side of the wall where there can be a different compartment, different owner, you know, different person, and it could, like literally cross the boundaries between compartments.
00:28:02.362 --> 00:28:05.640
I think that feels very disturbing to me.
00:28:05.640 --> 00:28:10.221
How about the production of like what was produced in those fires?
00:28:10.221 --> 00:28:12.276
Are they very CO heavy?
00:28:12.276 --> 00:28:13.539
Did you measure that?
00:28:14.412 --> 00:28:30.259
So in general the smoldering fires are really incomplete combustion, so the oxidation is not very sufficient, so you have naturally a high CO, carbon monoxide release.
00:28:30.259 --> 00:28:44.057
We measured it in the lab scale where we observed quite a high amount of CO, and also in the larger scale experiments.
00:28:44.057 --> 00:28:49.265
We tried to measure the CO inside and outside of there.
00:28:49.265 --> 00:28:55.115
I mean it was not easy to measure it in a smoldering compartment CO.
00:28:55.115 --> 00:29:21.761
And we also know from different research that usually the cladding like a Gibson plasterboard or other OSB MDS boards that they have a high permeability or CO, so it can permeate through these materials very well.
00:29:21.761 --> 00:29:29.559
However, if it is a problem in a real scenario, it's the same with the smoldering to flaming.
00:29:29.559 --> 00:29:44.082
We would have to do more research on a real scale to see if CO really poses a risk, for example for people at the other side of the wall.
00:29:45.130 --> 00:29:48.621
How generalizable are those conclusions or observations?
00:29:48.621 --> 00:29:53.342
Because at the start you mentioned there are so many types of biobased materials.
00:29:53.342 --> 00:30:01.461
So perhaps let's reemphasize again what have you tested and let's try to think about how we can generalize them to other materials.
00:30:02.289 --> 00:30:19.643
Yeah, so in the more than just insulation research project, we focused on wood fiber, salinos, straw, hemp, jute and seaweed, and they all showed this tendency to continuously smoldering.
00:30:19.643 --> 00:30:27.163
However, there were some differences, for example regarding the smoldering spread rate.
00:30:27.163 --> 00:30:40.056
So you have differences between when you, for example, use the EN 16733 smoldering test stand, which is introduced in Germany, you have, let's say, 10 to 50 centimeters.
00:30:40.056 --> 00:30:48.462
Besides different materials, however, they all showed more or less the smoldering behavior.
00:30:48.462 --> 00:31:00.541
Yeah, I think there's no perfect bio-based material, at least not without modifications where you can say okay, this material doesn't show this behavior.
00:31:01.049 --> 00:31:11.420
I would expect that all like, say, bio-based insulation material is like kind of obvious that it would exhibit smoldering, Like you could expect that.
00:31:11.420 --> 00:31:23.059
Of course, the cases are what's the temperature at which it starts, what's the CO production, what's the smoldering front velocity or however you define that.
00:31:23.059 --> 00:31:26.391
But it's also like not gonna be a massive change.
00:31:26.391 --> 00:31:27.212
I think that would be.
00:31:27.212 --> 00:31:29.740
There would be different drivers for the choice.
00:31:29.740 --> 00:31:36.221
I don't think one would choose one material over another because it has higher smoldering onset temperature.
00:31:36.221 --> 00:31:42.021
I guess there would be different economical and technical factors that would result in in your choice.
00:31:42.021 --> 00:31:44.623
In your work you've also tried modeling that, or that was the the point In your work.
00:31:44.623 --> 00:31:51.061
You've also tried modeling that, or that was the point of your work to create models that allow us to capture those behaviors.
00:31:51.061 --> 00:31:52.596
Please tell me about the models a bit.
00:31:52.971 --> 00:31:53.171
00:31:53.171 --> 00:31:59.384
So part of my PhD thesis is modeling of the smoldering behavior.
00:31:59.384 --> 00:32:35.244
And since we already talked about the complexity of this smoldering combustion, I think it's not enough just to do more and more tests, because we need to better understand the are, in the complexity, high enough to account for the transport and reaction mechanisms which will occur during a smoldering.
00:32:35.244 --> 00:32:58.896
My objective was to propose a model which takes into account both transport mechanisms, so speaking of the flow, the convective flow, the heat transfer, but also moisture transport, and they have to be coupled with the reaction model which considers the swoldering combustion itself.
00:32:58.896 --> 00:33:11.343
But of course, that are highly nonlinear mechanisms and it's not easy to have a model which can consider all these nonlinear mechanisms.
00:33:11.343 --> 00:33:13.778
So there's still some work to do.
00:33:14.470 --> 00:33:15.574
What was your basis?
00:33:15.574 --> 00:33:18.637
Like GPyro or you've developed your own model.
00:33:19.410 --> 00:33:49.417
So the basis for the reaction model was models for bulk materials, so for example, stockpiles, because we did some research before at the Ottil von Gehrig University in Magdeburg and the idea was, if this is also a high-porose lignocellulosic material, like when you think about wood pellets, is there a huge difference to wood fibers, for example, or not?
00:33:49.417 --> 00:33:55.275
Because the basic reaction mechanisms, basic transport mechanisms, should be the same.
00:33:55.275 --> 00:33:56.940
So that was the basis.