Feb. 5, 2025

187 - Smouldering of preserved timber with Wenxuan Wu

187 - Smouldering of preserved timber with Wenxuan Wu
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Fire Science Show

Can a tiny amount of bio-protective coating completely change the fire behaviour of mass timber logs? If you asked me that some time ago, I would say it would probably be neutral.

Can a 0.5 x 0.5 m free-standing log of timber smoulder through without any external exposure to fire? If you asked me that some time ago, I would say no, and base that on observations of dozens of logs like this.

Yet, in Australia they’ve burned. And the hypothesis was that it has something to do with the preservative treatment.

My guest today, Wenxuan Wu from The University of Queensland was tasked with researching this problem and showed us the workshop used for this. In this podcast episode, we dive deep into measurements carried out in fire laboratories on the material scale and how use of different methods gradually increases our understanding of the problem. Their pursuit also opened new questsions - for example, why if timber would be subject to a very strong heat flux, the smouldering would not work anymore? This was also answered in the discussion.

If you would like to learn more about Wenxuan’s research, please refer to the published papers:

Also, this talk summarises the best poster at ITB-FRISSBE Summer School. What an event that was. Once again, we would like to thank our sponsors for that!


The Fire Science Show is produced by the Fire Science Media in collaboration with OFR Consultants. Thank you to the podcast sponsor for their continuous support towards our mission.


00:00 - Fire Science

15:04 - Energy Balance in CCA Treatment

24:11 - Smoldering Behavior Testing Methods

35:20 - CCA and Timber Fire Dynamics

42:41 - Preservation Treatment and Fire Safety

53:01 - Global Application of Fire Science


00:00:00.500 --> 00:00:02.641
Hello everybody, welcome to the Fire Science Show.

00:00:02.641 --> 00:00:15.609
Today I'm taking you on a journey on how fire science is made, or perhaps rather how fire science can be used to solve a quite practical problem that one faces.

00:00:15.609 --> 00:00:27.838
Wenxuan Wu has submitted his PhD and he's on the final stretch, and what you're going to hear about the episode it's his PhD journey.

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But as well, he was charged with quite an interesting problem In Australia after bushfires.

00:00:34.064 --> 00:00:47.128
They were using quite a lot of utility poles you know, electricity, telephone but utility poles that are necessary to carry on cables across vast distances and when you lose them it's quite annoying to replace them.

00:00:47.128 --> 00:00:56.060
Utilize the walls that are necessary to carry on cables across vast distances, and when you lose them it's quite annoying to replace them, and you would just expect to put a pole and let it live for 70 years until you go back to it.

00:00:56.060 --> 00:01:01.079
And then they are faced with the problem that they're losing tens of thousands of them, and the way, how they're losing them, is not very well understood.

00:01:01.079 --> 00:01:07.552
So the team of Queensland University is being charged with investigating and oh boy, they did investigate.

00:01:07.552 --> 00:01:21.569
In this podcast episode you'll find out how preservative treatment of timber may change the swoldering behavior of solid timber material, which is very interesting on itself, perhaps even scalable to some other problems in fire safety engineering.

00:01:21.569 --> 00:01:25.948
But, more importantly, you'll learn about the workshop.

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You'll see the kitchen of how fire science is made.

00:01:29.430 --> 00:01:48.343
You'll learn a lot about interesting methods of measurements, like TGA for example, and you learn how they can be applied, how the scientists reads what they see in those measurements, how they plan the next step of their endeavor in order to unravel the truth about the problem they're solving.

00:01:48.343 --> 00:01:53.503
I found this very compelling and interesting and I hope this will be the same for you.

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A word of comment Wenxuan ended ended up in this spot.

00:01:56.349 --> 00:02:00.808
So half a year ago we have hosted a summer school together with Frisbee.

00:02:00.808 --> 00:02:13.801
It was ITB Frisbee summer school and we had a lot of feel like 40 people from across the world when she included and people came to this summer school with some ideas, with some work in progress, and they were showing them as posters.

00:02:13.801 --> 00:02:26.527
Those posters were evaluated by all the lecturers in the summer school and when she won the won the vote of the lecturers and I told him like this poster is so good, I'm to invite you to the podcast.

00:02:26.527 --> 00:02:27.323
And here he is.

00:02:27.323 --> 00:02:47.114
There was another honor I mentioned, matt Bowler won the popularity award on the facade stuff and I'm very sure Matt will come back to the podcast as well, but it was such a joy to see those young scholars present grow and be so proud about their research and there's a lot to be proud about, so I'm also happy to share this podcast episode for this reason with you.

00:02:47.895 --> 00:02:49.018
Anyway, enough talking.

00:02:49.018 --> 00:02:53.050
There's a lot of interesting fire science behind the intro, so let's spin it up and let's go.

00:02:53.050 --> 00:02:59.581
Welcome to the fire science show.

00:02:59.581 --> 00:03:03.024
My name is Wojciech Wigrzyński and I will be your host.

00:03:03.024 --> 00:03:26.891
This podcast is brought to you in collaboration with OFR Consultants, a multi-award-winning independent consultancy dedicated to addressing fire safety challenges.

00:03:26.891 --> 00:03:30.490
Ofr is the UK's leading fire risk consultancy.

00:03:30.490 --> 00:03:39.729
Its globally established team has developed a reputation for preeminent fire engineering expertise, with colleagues working across the world to help protect people, property and planets.

00:03:39.729 --> 00:03:48.451
Ofr is constantly growing and involved in fire safety engineering of the most interesting developments in the UK and also worldwide.

00:03:48.451 --> 00:03:57.335
In 2025, ofr will grow its team again and is keen to hear from industry professionals who want to collaborate on fire safety features this year.

00:03:57.335 --> 00:03:59.627
Get in touch at ofrconsultantscom.

00:03:59.627 --> 00:04:02.508
Hello, I'm joined today by Wangshan Wu from Queensland University.

00:04:02.508 --> 00:04:03.110
Hello, wangshan, hello Wojciech.

00:04:03.110 --> 00:04:04.437
By Wenxian Wu from Queensland University.

00:04:04.437 --> 00:04:05.219
Hello Wenxian.

00:04:05.599 --> 00:04:07.247
Hello Wojciech, Thanks for having me today.

00:04:07.760 --> 00:04:12.002
As promised, you've been a participant to our summer school Last year.

00:04:12.002 --> 00:04:17.029
You have won the best poster award and I said I'm going to interview the best poster.

00:04:17.029 --> 00:04:19.507
So here you are in the Fireside Show.

00:04:19.507 --> 00:04:22.848
I would have invited you anyway, but congratulations on that award.

00:04:22.848 --> 00:04:28.995
I hope you have some good memories from warsaw and our summer school yeah, for sure that will be the best.

00:04:29.336 --> 00:04:34.209
I wouldn't say a social event, but it's more like a conference experience for me would you?

00:04:34.249 --> 00:04:37.264
would you recommend to anyone who would love to to try that?

00:04:37.646 --> 00:04:44.930
um, yeah, actually I've briefly talked about my experience in itb summer school last year to all my colleagues and they would love to.

00:04:44.949 --> 00:04:58.824
They would love to participate if there's another one in the next year or in the following year yeah, I'll pass the feedback to Grundy Jumas and he'll be also happy, and we're so happy that our students are very pleased with the event.

00:04:58.824 --> 00:05:02.408
We've really poured everything we we had into organizing this.

00:05:02.408 --> 00:05:22.569
But anyway, you got there because you are a researcher, you are a PhD student, soon to be a doctor, and in our summer school we wanted to mix people who do a lot of consulting work or practical fice engineering and a lot of science research people at exactly your stage of career.

00:05:22.569 --> 00:05:32.170
You had to submit a topic that you work on currently when we also evaluated that and yours was very interesting and highly relevant.

00:05:32.170 --> 00:05:40.331
So perhaps, if you can give me a little bit of background on what exactly are you studying in UQ for your PhD?

00:05:40.891 --> 00:05:41.372
Yeah for sure.

00:05:41.372 --> 00:05:44.699
I enrolled my PhD in January 2021.

00:05:44.699 --> 00:05:56.629
So the PhD project itself was sponsored by a durability center and so it's an Australian government department working on the durability and wood protection.

00:05:56.629 --> 00:06:02.514
So my project was about the smoldering issues in preservative-treated timber.

00:06:02.514 --> 00:06:04.596
So what does preservative mean?

00:06:04.596 --> 00:06:07.843
So you know timber is a very popular construction material.

00:06:07.843 --> 00:06:09.048
It's used everywhere.

00:06:09.048 --> 00:06:15.646
But timber is a naturally organic material, so it is combustible.

00:06:15.646 --> 00:06:21.783
That's why many, many of our colleagues and researchers have been studying on that for many years.

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And it has another issue it's susceptible to biological decay.

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So if you use timber outside in the field, it might subject to the damage, the biodecay, the damage from the insects, from the ant, from the weathering attack, from whatever in the soil.

00:06:41.413 --> 00:06:46.512
So you need to do something to enhance the durability of the timber products.

00:06:46.512 --> 00:06:51.591
Let's say utility pole, fence posts or railway sleepers.

00:06:51.591 --> 00:06:56.732
Many of them were made by timber in Australia and globally.

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So one of the most effective way is to treat the timber products with preservative treatment, especially CCA.

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So CCA is a water-borne preservative treatment, chromated copper arsenate.

00:07:10.052 --> 00:07:15.452
So it contains two types of metallic components to enhance the durability of timber.

00:07:15.452 --> 00:07:23.752
Because you don't want to replace the timber products very often you expect the timber products to have a very long service life, for example 70 years.

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So you only look back at the timber infrastructure after 70 years.

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But there's a problem, so there's a problem.

00:07:33.600 --> 00:07:43.543
So I think this kind of treatment was established at least 40 or 50 years ago and it was actually quite popular over the world.

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It was actually quite popular over the world.

00:07:44.605 --> 00:07:53.675
Not only Australia but Europe, but Canada, us and Asian countries, africa, so everywhere used CCA at the very beginning.

00:07:53.675 --> 00:08:01.968
But at some point till 2000, like early 2000,.

00:08:01.968 --> 00:08:12.480
Then people realized oh, it's actually quite out-friendly to environment and to human beings Because Wayne Burns, he released gas-based products which is highly carcinogenic, actually quite unfriendly to the environment and to human beings, because when it burns it releases gas-rich products which is highly carcinogenic.

00:08:12.480 --> 00:08:19.870
So imagine your kid is playing in the background and they pick some just timber pieces and they burn it for barbecue and whatever.

00:08:19.870 --> 00:08:21.213
Then it's actually quite harmful.

00:08:21.213 --> 00:08:26.072
So due to the arsenic, the presence of arsenic, because arsenic is a bad guy.

00:08:26.072 --> 00:08:33.611
So till early 2000, most of the government banned the use of CCA as residential building.

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After that CCA can be only used for the outdoor or external infrastructure.

00:08:39.293 --> 00:08:45.967
Like I said, utility poles, fence poles, like those kinds of things utility poles, fence poles, like those kind of things.

00:08:45.967 --> 00:08:52.936
So it's more about the issue to the environment, to the human being, because it's highly carcinogenic.

00:08:56.200 --> 00:09:03.868
So I haven't moved to the smoldering part, because this is why we continue to use CCA in most of the countries in the world, like, of course, they have alternatives.

00:09:03.868 --> 00:09:12.793
So, for example, in Europe, in most of the European countries and US or Canada, they now use a tonnative preservation which is copper azole.

00:09:12.793 --> 00:09:19.092
Copper azole is still like copper with kind of organic fungicide or ACQ, so it's another one.

00:09:19.092 --> 00:09:25.620
So they use a tonnative, but they are more expensive, they are more corrosive and they are less durable.

00:09:25.620 --> 00:09:36.716
So CCA I think as of November 2023, cca still remains at almost 40% of the usage in Australia.

00:09:37.200 --> 00:09:46.592
And this is an issue because smoldering issues in this preservative-treated timber has widely reported since 1966.

00:09:46.592 --> 00:10:07.061
But no one has stressed this in detail Till the long-lasting bushfire in Australia from 2019 to 2020, if you remember that the bushfire has lasted for more than a year then we had more than 10,000 power poles, 10,000 utility poles have been destroyed.

00:10:07.061 --> 00:10:29.143
So, although the report hasn't identified the major issue is a flaming combustion from the white fire itself or the subsequent smoldering, but there are many news coverages or news reports and the field observations can confirm that it's not about the flaming combustion itself.

00:10:29.143 --> 00:10:32.993
It's about the subsequent smothering, but I haven't seen it myself right.

00:10:32.993 --> 00:10:48.466
So at the start, at the beginning of 2021, we cut a pole section from the real field, so we cut a, we cut a pole and we we put it back to the Was it disconnected from the network, or it just went completely rogue and just stole one that was operating.

00:10:48.828 --> 00:10:49.758
No, no, waste permission.

00:10:49.758 --> 00:10:54.542
Waste permission Because the project, as I mentioned, was sponsored by the Australian government.

00:10:54.542 --> 00:10:56.107
So waste permission.

00:10:56.107 --> 00:11:03.919
We somehow collected a pole section and put it back to our laboratory and burned it at a certain heat flux, which is 50.

00:11:03.919 --> 00:11:08.163
I know 50 is is pretty high heat flux, but we only burnt it for three minutes.

00:11:08.163 --> 00:11:22.567
So after three minutes we removed the heat source and the flame was out, just like any other timber, because everybody claimed that the char layer is gonna act as insulation to prevent the flame propagation, which which is true.

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So we didn't see the flame propagation, which is true.

00:11:24.730 --> 00:11:25.552
So we didn't see the flame anymore.

00:11:25.572 --> 00:11:34.231
But there's some subsequent smothering, which is also quite common, but it will come to an end from our expectation at that time.

00:11:34.231 --> 00:11:35.344
So we went back home.

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We went back home and we came the other day.

00:11:37.508 --> 00:11:43.889
So after 21 hours the core was still glowing and the major structure of the pole was destroyed.

00:11:43.889 --> 00:11:55.888
So the pole is like one meters high, half meters uh, half meter, half meter diameter, which is very heavy, so I can't carry it myself, but major structure was destroyed.

00:11:55.888 --> 00:12:05.355
So more than 30 percent of the mass has been consumed by the subsequent smoldering in the following 21 hours from the start point of ignition.

00:12:05.756 --> 00:12:06.538
And it was just a pole.

00:12:06.538 --> 00:12:07.804
That's how the project started.

00:12:07.804 --> 00:12:27.047
There was just a pole standing in a free space, no wall fluxes, no heat feedback from another fire around it, just a single log of timber that has been ignited for three minutes and built up its protective char layer, which is stronger than steel, which every architect knows today.

00:12:27.047 --> 00:12:34.626
Sorry, that was a bad joke, but it's interesting because normally you would not observe this type.

00:12:34.626 --> 00:12:42.772
Well, normally I'm not a smoldering and timber expert, but I've not seen a individual timber logs to to persist smoldering that long.

00:12:42.772 --> 00:12:56.168
It usually was in connection with some sort of architectural detail that would shield them or, you know, create those pockets of irradiating surfaces where the heat would have difficulty to escape In those conditions.

00:12:56.207 --> 00:13:08.671
Yes, we've seen smoldering persist and the story of a scientist coming back next day to the lab finding their sample completely burned down because of smoldering is a common one, I guess, in the timber research world.

00:13:08.671 --> 00:13:10.423
But you don't see that on like.

00:13:10.423 --> 00:13:16.128
If I tested the timber column and I vented the experiment, I would be pretty happy with leaving it alone.

00:13:16.128 --> 00:13:18.539
It shouldn't smolder through that column, right?

00:13:18.801 --> 00:13:20.989
Yeah, so you're exactly right.

00:13:20.989 --> 00:13:32.426
So just for like, a sole timber pole standing in the field without some more feedback from the surrounding, it's really hard to maintain the self-sustained smothering because we have to.

00:13:32.426 --> 00:13:36.606
So for sure, we've done the reference test with untreated timber pole.

00:13:36.606 --> 00:13:38.144
So exactly the same.

00:13:38.144 --> 00:13:46.410
Not exactly more or less the same dimension, because you can't step into the same river twice, so you can't find exactly the same timber in this world.

00:13:47.460 --> 00:13:47.860
So, anyway.

00:13:48.241 --> 00:13:49.466
So we've done the reference test.

00:13:49.466 --> 00:13:50.850
So no untreated.

00:13:50.850 --> 00:13:52.447
Untreated means like normal timber.

00:13:52.447 --> 00:13:56.585
Normal timber pole can never smother like that After the flame was out.

00:13:56.585 --> 00:13:57.769
That's the end of the story.

00:13:57.769 --> 00:14:06.504
Like that is very common because flames are generally considered as the major combustion in our fire safety engineering.

00:14:06.504 --> 00:14:11.509
So once the fire was out, if there's no subsequent smoldering, that means the end of the event.

00:14:11.831 --> 00:14:15.826
That's what you would expect and of course in some circumstances it could be different.

00:14:15.826 --> 00:14:18.711
But it's a heat balance equation.

00:14:18.711 --> 00:14:22.102
You need some energy to maintain smoldering.

00:14:22.102 --> 00:14:39.515
After all, in case of Australia and bushfires which you've now described, looks like something that's prone to ignition from a bushfire itself, because I imagine bushfire being a fairly rapid event, so the fire must go through fairly quickly.

00:14:39.515 --> 00:14:51.951
But if all you need is just a few minutes of exposure and bum, you get smoldering, and especially in an event of some firebrands and and uh and winds, probably that's even even extended.

00:14:51.951 --> 00:14:56.488
Indeed, every time a bushfire goes through an area you would lose the utility electricity poles.

00:14:57.009 --> 00:15:02.105
I can see, uh, where the um utility pun intended of your project is coming.

00:15:02.105 --> 00:15:04.288
So, uh, how did you tackle that?

00:15:04.288 --> 00:15:10.519
Because you are here left with the general idea that you have some practical problem in front of you.

00:15:10.519 --> 00:15:21.395
You have a good hypothesis that it's related to the treatment of the timber, but from that to a PhD, that's a pretty long way.

00:15:21.395 --> 00:15:24.033
Like it's not just you can publish an abstract.

00:15:24.033 --> 00:15:29.325
Oh, we believe it's the treatment that's doing some magical stuff to our timber.

00:15:29.325 --> 00:15:33.754
So so tell me the the rest of the story yeah, sure.

00:15:33.975 --> 00:16:00.394
So that was the beginning of the story because, like you said, it has some practical, practical implications in this case, because you don't expect the timber whatever in timber infrastructure can remain standing after a very severe bushfire, but if it's just firebrand or just a grass fire, like very, very mild fire source, can ignite the timber pole and and eventually it collapse.

00:16:00.394 --> 00:16:02.902
It's not ideal, so we have to address this.

00:16:02.902 --> 00:16:05.950
But because, like I said, no one has addressed this in detail.

00:16:05.950 --> 00:16:12.014
So we have to go back to the very fundamental question which, again, like you said, it's an energy balance.

00:16:12.014 --> 00:16:32.668
So if we believe the treatment does something to maintain the self-sustained smoldering, so in physics, it must satisfy the energy conservation which means the heat generated from the smoldering must be enough to enhance or to maintain the pyrolysis for the inner char layer.

00:16:33.191 --> 00:16:44.509
So because the smoldering is not like flaming combustion the flaming happens on the gas phase but the smoldering happens on the solid phase, or say heterogeneous solid gas, heterogeneous phase.

00:16:44.509 --> 00:16:50.947
So you have to have char first, you have to have the char formation first, then progress the smoldering.

00:16:50.947 --> 00:17:04.226
So, like I said, the energy generated from the oxidation must be enough to maintain the next step of pyrolysis, to form sufficient char to progress the self-sustained smoldering.

00:17:04.226 --> 00:17:11.038
So it's all about the energy balance and how the CCA preservation, the CCA preservative, can do that.

00:17:11.038 --> 00:17:19.536
It's just a very little amount Because, for your information, the normal CCA treatment is only 0.4% by weight.

00:17:19.885 --> 00:17:20.788
And you said it's water-based.

00:17:20.809 --> 00:17:22.950
Into the timber and it's water-based.

00:17:22.950 --> 00:17:31.856
So how is that small amount of chemical can do such a huge job to twist the whole energy conservation?

00:17:31.856 --> 00:17:36.373
So we need to look at the physics, we need to look at the chemistry at the very beginning.

00:17:36.373 --> 00:17:50.789
So after the demonstration from the pole testing, we actually started from the TGA thermogravimetric analysis, because the thermogravimetric analysis is a very commonly used technique in thermal study.

00:17:51.411 --> 00:17:59.874
Like many other materials, as long as it is combustible or organic, you can always see something from the thermogravimetric analysis.

00:17:59.874 --> 00:18:19.393
So the way it works is you put a very little amount of sample into a crucible and put a crucible into a burning furnace, so similar to you burn something in the big furnace for structural testing, but it's a small furnace and very little amount of sample, which is approximately like 10 milligrams.

00:18:19.393 --> 00:18:42.298
So let's say 10 milligrams of timber sawdust into a small furnace with a controlled environmentrolled environment refers to the gas environment, so you could just enter air like ambient air condition, or you could do a non-oxidative environment, say nitrogen or helium, if you only want to look at the pyrolysis behavior.

00:18:42.925 --> 00:18:45.555
So you don't burn the stuff that's produced from the pyrolysis?

00:18:45.984 --> 00:19:00.652
Yes, but the major difference from a micro-scale TGA test to a bench scale or even larger scale is it doesn't really flame inside the furnace because it's a controlled environment and you have purge gas all the time.

00:19:00.652 --> 00:19:08.152
All it can do within the furnace is to heat up the sample from the ambient temperature to a desired temperature.

00:19:08.152 --> 00:19:15.171
So let's say, if we heat up the timber up to 100 degrees or around 100 degrees, the moisture evaporation would occur.

00:19:15.471 --> 00:19:16.214
And how will you see that?

00:19:16.786 --> 00:19:18.490
You will see there is a mass loss.

00:19:18.490 --> 00:19:19.714
You will see a mass loss.

00:19:19.714 --> 00:19:32.648
So sorry, I forgot to mention that the very, very important quantification for the TGA testing is the mass, because it connects the sample you put in the crucible, connects to a scale.

00:19:32.648 --> 00:19:42.817
A very precise scale can measure the mass or mass loss over temperature so you can actually monitor the mass loss over a temperature change.

00:19:42.817 --> 00:19:50.634
So when it comes to around 100 degrees, you will see the mass loss which refers to the moisture evaporation.

00:19:50.634 --> 00:19:59.740
And when it comes to around 250 degrees and up to 300 degrees, you will see another huge mass loss which corresponds to pyrolysis.

00:20:00.105 --> 00:20:05.085
And if you have oxygen inside, will you have another one that corresponds to burning?

00:20:05.526 --> 00:20:18.174
Yes, if we have another one which corresponds to oxidative, let's say, because there are many ways to call it, but normally we just say oxidation, because it's not really burning inside the furnace.

00:20:18.174 --> 00:20:29.813
So, as I mentioned before, so flaming combustion occurs on the gas phase, but in the furnace environment it always has the purge gas to purge out whatever pyrolysis gas generated.

00:20:29.813 --> 00:20:41.484
And considering that small amount of mass of your sample, it's not likely to have a flaming combustion, but instead it becomes a very good representative of oxidation.

00:20:42.165 --> 00:20:48.778
I don't think we've talked to GA in the fire science show yet, so I'll perhaps rewrap that for the listeners.

00:20:48.778 --> 00:20:51.839
So you take a tiny sample of your material.

00:20:51.839 --> 00:20:55.795
You put it in a furnace in which you control the air that's in it.

00:20:55.795 --> 00:20:58.894
It can be nitrogen, so it's no oxygen in it.

00:20:58.894 --> 00:21:02.251
You can put normal air in it, you can put argon, helium, whatever you like.

00:21:02.251 --> 00:21:07.855
Then you start warming up the sample and that lasts for like 30 minutes hour.

00:21:08.326 --> 00:21:11.147
It's quite long right it really depends on the heating rate.

00:21:11.147 --> 00:21:17.611
So tga is like the techniques you can, you can just summarize in a few words, but it has many, many details.

00:21:17.671 --> 00:21:24.032
Yeah, of course, of course but I want I wanted to have listeners to have a really good general idea about the method.

00:21:24.032 --> 00:21:30.395
So you start increasing the temperature, it takes some minutes and and you see, okay, in 100 degrees I have this loss of mass.

00:21:30.395 --> 00:21:32.922
Then I increase from 100 to 150.

00:21:32.922 --> 00:21:34.746
Nothing happens, the mass remains the same.

00:21:34.746 --> 00:21:40.821
Then at 175 something starts to happen because I start to see mass loss.

00:21:40.821 --> 00:21:45.592
And then at 230 I have a maximum amount of mass lost ever.

00:21:45.592 --> 00:21:48.176
And then I increase the temperature to 300.

00:21:48.176 --> 00:21:49.138
Nothing happens again.

00:21:49.138 --> 00:21:51.714
And then at some temperature something happens again.

00:21:51.714 --> 00:21:58.160
Basically, like for every different material would give you a different curve of that mass loss to temperature.

00:21:58.160 --> 00:21:59.424
But that that's basically.

00:21:59.424 --> 00:22:06.409
Uh, how a scientist can tell what happens with the material at different temperatures, though it doesn't exactly.

00:22:06.409 --> 00:22:13.814
It doesn't tell you anything about the heat equation, right, because it's like infinite amount of heat for the material from the furnace, exactly.

00:22:15.067 --> 00:22:23.884
So the key information from here is you can see the peak temperature or the onset temperature of each reaction, because every reaction has an onset temperature.

00:22:23.884 --> 00:22:31.817
So whenever it starts to lose mass, that's an indicator of the beginning of the reaction.

00:22:31.817 --> 00:22:38.454
So for normal timber, just for reference for normal timber, so the drying is more or less the same, starting from 70 degrees.

00:22:38.454 --> 00:22:42.192
For the pyrolysis it starts from 250.

00:22:42.673 --> 00:22:49.279
For the cellulose and hemicellulose and for the oxidation it's normally around 450 degrees.

00:22:49.279 --> 00:22:53.731
So whatever heating rate you're using, it's like more or less about this range.

00:22:53.731 --> 00:23:03.826
But the problem is, once you put the cca you treated cca or eleazer preservative containing with copper into the timber, you don't see.

00:23:03.826 --> 00:23:05.432
You don't see any difference from the drying peak.

00:23:05.432 --> 00:23:06.596
You don't see any difference from the drying peak.

00:23:06.596 --> 00:23:18.996
You don't see any difference from the pyrolysis peak, but you see a huge shift from the oxidation which means the treatment into the timber changes, the onset temperature of the oxidation reaction.

00:23:19.404 --> 00:23:31.213
So in other words, your oxidation can occur at an early stage at a lower temperature, so you don't need to provide that much energy, but your oxidation could start.

00:23:31.654 --> 00:23:42.410
So also in the lay world, people love to measure fires with temperatures, which I always find ridiculous, because it's a heat transfer problem, not the temperature problem.

00:23:42.410 --> 00:23:45.794
Temperature is always at almost the same temperature.

00:23:45.794 --> 00:24:02.474
Anyway, when a reaction starts at a lower temperature, it would simply mean that you just need less heat to onset that reaction and, assuming that we're talking about oxidation, which is exothermic reaction, it produces its own heat.

00:24:02.474 --> 00:24:11.357
Once you have an onset of that reaction, you're pretty much done, because it eventually can become self-sustaining right At that point.

00:24:11.765 --> 00:24:17.996
At this point we couldn't really tell if the reaction can be self-sustained or not.

00:24:18.845 --> 00:24:20.392
You just see that it happens yeah.

00:24:20.685 --> 00:24:34.035
Yeah, tj is just simply a tool to tell you, like, the approximate temperature range for starting the reaction, but by doing different heating rates in the TGA.

00:24:34.035 --> 00:24:35.672
So that is another approach.

00:24:35.672 --> 00:24:39.115
So there's one thing we can calculate, which is activation energy.

00:24:39.115 --> 00:24:47.175
So by doing a series of TGA experiments you can actually calculate the apparent activation energy.

00:24:47.175 --> 00:24:54.239
Because one hypothesis we had is the CCA acts as a catalyst to promote the oxidation.

00:24:54.239 --> 00:25:11.612
So, like we have learned from the high school chemistry, the catalyst doesn't really involve into the reaction but as a promoter or accelerator to lower the activation energy for a certain reaction, or accelerator to lower the activation energy for a certain reaction or change the chemical pathway.

00:25:11.952 --> 00:25:15.814
Yeah, but at this point you don't know if it's copper, chromium or arsenic.

00:25:15.814 --> 00:25:18.172
That's right, but anyway, how did you figure out?

00:25:18.172 --> 00:25:21.090
It does accelerate the reaction from different temperatures.

00:25:23.611 --> 00:25:33.573
So again, to compare it with untreated, untreated like reference timber, untreated timber the activation energy for the oxidation reaction has markedly decreased.

00:25:33.573 --> 00:25:38.009
So for for the cca treated timber, it has a much, much lower activation energy.

00:25:38.009 --> 00:25:41.257
So now we can okay, so that's the very first step.

00:25:41.257 --> 00:25:45.631
Now we can confirm it's the catalytic effect from the cca.

00:25:45.631 --> 00:25:47.694
But you raised a very brilliant point.

00:25:47.694 --> 00:25:51.366
It is about copper or chromium or the arsenic.

00:25:52.048 --> 00:26:09.317
So we did, we did a lot, we did very intensive literature research and we realized for early organic, for many organic um polymers or organic material, the copper can act as catalyst for the oxidative thermal reaction, but the chromium has a stronger effect.

00:26:09.317 --> 00:26:15.912
The chromium has a much stronger effect and arsenic doesn't do much, but arsenic is very toxic.

00:26:15.912 --> 00:26:18.892
So now we need to think about something else.

00:26:18.892 --> 00:26:38.079
So, as I mentioned before, although some countries US, european countries, canada or some other Asian countries they replace CCA to alternative ACQ Canada or some other Asian countries they replace CCA to alternative ACQ CA, those preservation only containing copper instead of arsenic.

00:26:38.079 --> 00:26:43.998
So they are arsenic-free option, but they still contains copper.

00:26:43.998 --> 00:26:48.296
So it doesn't really resolve the smoldering issue, but we need to confirm that.

00:26:48.296 --> 00:26:57.957
So we have established a testing approach in bench scale apparatus to really quantify the smoldering rate of alien content material.

00:26:58.077 --> 00:26:59.201
It's beyond timber.

00:26:59.201 --> 00:27:11.511
It's beyond the CCA treated timber Because, as far as I know, there's no international recognized testing standard for smoldering, for the, let's say, propensity of smoldering or severity for smoldering, for the let's say propensity of smoldering or severity of smoldering.

00:27:11.511 --> 00:27:29.798
There is some european code for the building construction material to give you a very determined testic method to say yes or no to the material so if the material is going to smolder or not there is a method that you can use to assess how fast it propagates in the dust.

00:27:29.904 --> 00:27:37.592
So you have a sample of dust or solid material and you just observe how the front is moving through at different irradiance.

00:27:37.592 --> 00:27:43.010
I believe I remember someone tortured me with a method like this in my university times.

00:27:43.645 --> 00:27:45.611
That was such a long test.

00:27:45.611 --> 00:27:50.034
Yeah, I've seen that it's very similar to a facade test.

00:27:50.034 --> 00:27:56.065
They put a vertical sample in front of a radiant panel or a gas burner.

00:27:56.065 --> 00:28:08.736
They ignite the sample and remove the gas burner to see if the smoldering could propagate, identified by the temperature measurement of the thermocouple at different distances.

00:28:09.384 --> 00:28:10.990
Yeah, something like that yeah.

00:28:11.373 --> 00:28:11.553

00:28:11.553 --> 00:28:18.632
So we've developed something, I would say, in a very similar philosophy to simulate a passing bushfire scenario.

00:28:18.632 --> 00:28:21.233
Because this is just the very, very beginning.

00:28:21.233 --> 00:28:31.036
This is just the start of my PhD and we want to identify the question, we want to figure out why, but eventually the next step is to establish countermeasures.

00:28:31.545 --> 00:28:40.336
So no matter what you can do to the existing CCA or to replace the CCA to something else, you need a testing method to prove okay, now everything works.

00:28:41.987 --> 00:28:49.478
Or you want to see which type of preservation has the least effect on self-sustaining smoldering.

00:28:49.478 --> 00:29:07.162
So if we have established a testing approach I think back to 2022 that was my first paper for the ifss in japan, I think that that's where we met in person so we've established a modified con colorimetry test.

00:29:07.162 --> 00:29:19.097
So we burn the sample at a certain heat flux under the conic heater to maintain a certain period of flaming, depending on the fire intensity desired, then remove the sample to a separate load cell.

00:29:19.097 --> 00:29:29.373
So, after a certain degree of damage by the flaming combustion and remove it, transfer to a separate load scale at ambient temperature to measure the mass loss.

00:29:29.373 --> 00:29:33.010
So this is a very simple philosophy, just to see.

00:29:33.010 --> 00:29:40.248
So if there's nothing happened, then the sample is going to extinguish in both flaming and smothering.

00:29:40.248 --> 00:29:52.669
If the self-sustained smothering initiated after the flaming stage, you would see the mass loss and you can record the mass loss and simply do a first derivative to get the mass loss rate.

00:29:52.669 --> 00:29:58.647
Then you can compare which product has a faster smoldering rate.

00:29:58.929 --> 00:30:03.155
That's very smart and that's very practical actually, yeah this is very practical.

00:30:03.826 --> 00:30:17.897
You could use that for many construction products actually as an approach to test their how would you call it propensity to smoldering I don't know sensitivity to smoldering or ability to smolder at their own, pretty much.

00:30:17.897 --> 00:30:26.460
And perhaps if you had a little radiators over your scale you could test that at different heat fluxes.

00:30:26.460 --> 00:30:33.826
And I'm talking about the low values like 1 kilowattatt, two kilowatt square meter, three kilowatt square meter, to see like I'm I'm.

00:30:33.826 --> 00:30:38.917
You know I'm immediately turning my my mind into mass timber and fires.

00:30:38.917 --> 00:30:47.431
You know work of harry mitchell, imperial code reds and stuff where they had those pockets of smoldering in in the big clt compartment.

00:30:47.770 --> 00:31:01.434
We also, when we, when we were doing with Danny Hopkins and Mike Spearpoint the Work Package 5 experiments in Poland, work Package 6 for CLT, st SAG collaboration, we also had that persistent smoldering in some locations.

00:31:01.434 --> 00:31:05.855
It was like an endless discussion why does it persist in this location?

00:31:05.855 --> 00:31:08.025
Why does it not persist in other locations?

00:31:08.025 --> 00:31:15.838
It's a very intriguing concept because if you can identify the reason then you can act perhaps to some preemptive measures.

00:31:15.838 --> 00:31:21.137
We know it's about orientation and how the surfaces align with each other, about presence of cups.

00:31:21.865 --> 00:31:33.020
We've never considered the material properties actually For us timber was timber, and you are giving us an easy access to this interesting other world of timber.

00:31:33.020 --> 00:31:35.648
Perhaps, perhaps I'll steal your idea and do this.

00:31:35.890 --> 00:31:38.576
We'll see yeah, it's a very, it's a very.

00:31:38.758 --> 00:31:44.567
I have a scale, I have a cone, I mean it's a very simple idea and based on a standardized apparatus.

00:31:44.567 --> 00:32:00.590
It's like you said it's it's a little bit outside the scope of practical implication because the scenario is more complicated, with wind velocity, with thermal feedback from the surrounding, like you said, harry's cold railroad, right Cold railroad.

00:32:00.590 --> 00:32:08.934
They also have beams, they also have the corner, they have the corner effect, they have accumulation of heat, but that's another story.

00:32:08.934 --> 00:32:12.292
So this is more like a fast screening of the material itself.

00:32:12.292 --> 00:32:32.951
So because think, like under a steel condition, because for the for the modified cone smoldering test, if your material can smolder under steel environment, like there's no wind at all, the material is is like highly possible to get smolder in a real case scenario, because everything is more complicated and everything is more conservative.

00:32:32.951 --> 00:32:42.044
Um, so this is more like a fast screening methodology to determine and you call it mcc modified conchalometry I, I don't.

00:32:42.263 --> 00:32:45.650
I don't really give it the official name because it's based.

00:32:45.650 --> 00:32:59.717
It's based on the concolometry and we split the test into two parts the flaming combustion, then you transfer it to some somewhere else to do a smothering mass loss measurement.

00:32:59.897 --> 00:33:04.711
So there is actually an advanced option of this which is fire propagation apparatus.

00:33:04.711 --> 00:33:10.579
But but I believe it's not like every fire laboratory holding a fpa.

00:33:10.579 --> 00:33:15.959
So we also did a series of tests in fpa using identical timber samples.

00:33:15.959 --> 00:33:33.031
So identical mean very, very similar density with very, very similar cca or whatever chemical treatment concentration, to test out under different heat flux and different total exposure to see the thermal condition influence on the smothering.

00:33:33.031 --> 00:33:44.192
And so that's another work of mine, Because think about that, if you put the sample in the FPA you don't need to even transfer the sample, you just turn off the lamps After a period of time.

00:33:44.192 --> 00:34:07.468
Then you can have very you can have consecutive measurement of temperature by thermocouple, the mass of course separately, like either temperature or either mass and co co2 emission during the smoldering stage, which is very important because co co2 generation very important indicators of the combustion, either complete combustion or incomplete combustion in this context which is smoldering.

00:34:07.468 --> 00:34:33.409
So so those are two bench scale testing approaches we have established to exam the smoldering behavior of a certain material and then we can compare and if you run enough amount of tests then you can do a statistical analysis to see if the density plays a more important role in smoldering or the CCA concentration or something else.

00:34:33.409 --> 00:34:37.998
So yeah, that's the bench scale testing we've done so far.

00:34:38.358 --> 00:34:43.635
And I think at one time Jose visited Brisbane for a conference.

00:34:43.635 --> 00:34:45.826
Then we had a long discussion about this.

00:34:45.826 --> 00:34:53.277
He had the same idea, because he was confused about why the energy balance can be altered by a catalyst.

00:34:53.277 --> 00:35:04.012
So he doesn't believe it's about more heat generated from the oxidation to enhance the further pyrolysis and again the oxidation.

00:35:04.012 --> 00:35:13.498
So he suggested me to do the DSC DSC, which is differential scanning calorimetry to quantify the enthalpy of a certain reaction.

00:35:13.498 --> 00:35:14.949
So what was DSC?

00:35:15.048 --> 00:35:15.672
and how does it work?

00:35:16.525 --> 00:35:20.617
So DSC shares a very similar philosophy of the TGA.

00:35:20.617 --> 00:35:38.416
So again you use a very small amount of sample 10 milligrams or even less 5 milligrams and you put into a chamber In this case it's furnace again, because you actually manipulate the temperature increase depending on the heating rate, so you can heat faster, you can heat slower, depending on the application.

00:35:38.416 --> 00:35:46.005
So you heat up the sample and the sample will again have certain reaction, either exothermic or endothermic reaction.

00:35:46.005 --> 00:35:56.653
Then the apparatus can detect the heat flux or say the temperature, and convert to the measurement data and display in the software.

00:35:56.653 --> 00:36:02.376
Then you can have two ideas First, if the reaction is exothermic or endothermic.

00:36:02.965 --> 00:36:08.554
So you can basically see if there's energy released or there's energy absorbed by the reaction.

00:36:08.554 --> 00:36:22.318
So that's the first idea, and by calculating the area underneath the curve you can get the enthalpy, which means how much energy required or how much energy released from a certain exothermic or endothermic reaction.

00:36:23.085 --> 00:36:24.027
But are you modifying?

00:36:24.027 --> 00:36:31.922
Sorry, but is the flux modified in time or is it like a fixed temperature per second growth?

00:36:31.922 --> 00:36:34.128
You're keeping it at a constant temperature, or what?

00:36:34.608 --> 00:36:47.152
uh, normally, normally for not very normal configuration, you are heating up le sample at a constant heating rate okay, so like five degrees per minute like it's a linear heating yeah, like tga.

00:36:47.172 --> 00:36:50.481
Yes, exactly like tga even slower yeah, yeah.

00:36:50.481 --> 00:37:05.088
And so through through all the studies from bench scale, small scale and some, like I would say, large scale, so the one at the beginning I mentioned about the pole testing, there are some interesting side findings.

00:37:05.088 --> 00:37:09.210
So the major finding is the density definitely plays a role.

00:37:09.210 --> 00:37:19.065
So the smoldering severity or smoldering mass loss rate increased by decreased density and increased concentration of CCA.

00:37:19.065 --> 00:37:21.987
Okay, as well as prolonged heating.

00:37:22.360 --> 00:37:25.954
So the less than steam bird, the more copper in it, the worse it was.

00:37:26.356 --> 00:37:27.239
Yes, as expected.

00:37:27.239 --> 00:37:38.028
So those results are kind of like as expected, but you just need to confirm it and prove it by statistical analysis, like if you have run enough amount of repetitions.

00:37:38.028 --> 00:37:46.233
So as well as prolonged heating but not really a higher heat flux can produce an enhanced smoldering.

00:37:47.242 --> 00:37:49.228
So, there's a very interesting preliminary study.

00:37:49.228 --> 00:37:52.168
So we've done in the bench scale.

00:37:52.168 --> 00:38:01.429
So for 20, 25 or 15 kilowatts per square meters, heat flux for the initial flaming period, the subsequent smoldering, mass loss rate is pretty much the same.

00:38:01.429 --> 00:38:06.489
So like it's pretty much the same, but for 50, for 50 kilowatts per square meters.

00:38:06.489 --> 00:38:14.501
So one might expect the higher heat flux might might produce like more severe smoldering, but it's not smoldering at all for 50 kilos.

00:38:14.521 --> 00:38:27.432
You do not smolder at all yeah, so for the so for consuming the same amount of mass, so for different heat flux, but consuming the same 40 percent of the mass 40 is a lot for, like a timber block, 40 is a lot of mass.

00:38:27.432 --> 00:38:35.389
So after consuming 40 of the mass, no one was flaming at 10 kilowatts per square meters, did not smother at all.

00:38:35.389 --> 00:38:41.576
I was talking about the CCA-treated timber, just like the normal timber.

00:38:41.675 --> 00:38:41.815

00:38:44.380 --> 00:38:45.405
So this is a very interesting side finding.

00:38:45.405 --> 00:38:52.070
So because everybody would expect oh, just like flaming combustion, you have a higher heat flux, then you might have more severe smothering.

00:38:52.070 --> 00:39:00.594
But this is not the case for the CCA-treated timber Because, in comparison to the normal timber, the normal timber is really hard to smolder like.

00:39:00.594 --> 00:39:08.766
Trust me, the normal timber is not like you burn it and you, you put it somewhere, like by itself and it could smolder for days or years.

00:39:08.766 --> 00:39:09.931
It's, it's not the case.

00:39:10.211 --> 00:39:15.668
That's why I was so surprised with your spool, like standing free in in like free space and smoldering.

00:39:15.668 --> 00:39:16.431
What the hell is this?

00:39:16.431 --> 00:39:19.088
It shouldn't be like that, sorry, continue.

00:39:19.581 --> 00:39:22.385
You have seen the image from my poster.

00:39:22.706 --> 00:39:23.650
It's in the paper as well.

00:39:24.702 --> 00:39:25.547
That was quite horrible.

00:39:25.547 --> 00:39:41.867
So yeah, for smoldering, this is a very interesting side finding because there are more evidence to prove the same thing, because not only in the preliminary study at 50, but we have found evidence with down the larger scale, with down the micro scale.

00:39:41.867 --> 00:39:49.126
So for the micro scale, so if you remember I said there's a temperature, the peak temperature shift for the oxidation to a lower temperature.

00:39:49.126 --> 00:40:06.228
But if you heat up so if you produce the char, if you produce the char in the TGA at a very high temperature, let's say 700 degrees, 700 degrees to produce the char in nitrogen environment then you cool down the char and heat up again in oxidative environment, which is air.

00:40:06.228 --> 00:40:15.626
You don't really see the shift in oxidation peak, which means in this case CCA is no longer a catalyst anymore or you couldn't see the effect from the CCA.

00:40:15.626 --> 00:40:24.273
So that's a very interesting side finding and from then I dive more into the chemistry instead of the fire dynamics.

00:40:26.143 --> 00:40:27.949
And that's the second journal paper we published.

00:40:27.949 --> 00:40:31.990
It's called Deactivation of CCA as Catalyst in Timber Smothering.

00:40:31.990 --> 00:40:47.909
So long story short, at very high temperature or equivalent high heat flux, the CCA will deactivate and the CCA treated timber will just behave like normal timber and it will not smolder as the other CCA treated timber does.

00:40:47.909 --> 00:40:49.731
It will just like normal timber.

00:40:49.731 --> 00:40:57.110
If the normal timber cannot sustain smoldering, then the high temperature produced CCA char cannot smolder.

00:40:57.519 --> 00:41:00.230
That's like so counterintuitive.

00:41:00.230 --> 00:41:05.311
We need bigger fires in bushes so your poles can survive in the bushfire.

00:41:05.311 --> 00:41:10.130
But yeah, very interesting findings there.

00:41:10.130 --> 00:41:18.954
And did you confirm the chemical composition of the ashes or of the timber after it burned down?

00:41:18.954 --> 00:41:21.829
Did you look into what remained after the fire?

00:41:22.300 --> 00:41:33.635
Yeah, I think that's a very good question, because one of the experimental techniques we used is to examine the remaining copper, chromium and arsenic by the ICP.

00:41:33.635 --> 00:41:37.829
So ICP is called induced coupled plasma.

00:41:37.829 --> 00:41:55.753
So it's it's a technique to confirm the metal, especially the metal contents, the metal contents by weight, like remaining in the char or remaining in whatever, like whatever material you have, because you first need to digest the material into a certain solution, then examine by the machine.

00:41:55.753 --> 00:42:02.063
Then the machine will tell you okay, you have this amount of copper, this amount of chromium, this amount of arsenic, so okay.

00:42:02.826 --> 00:42:12.969
So the conclusion is by increasing the fire intensity you start to lose more and more arsenic and chromium, but not really the copper, because copper is more stable.

00:42:12.969 --> 00:42:26.166
So even at very high temperature fire, you still remain at least 90%, 80% of the copper, but you lose half of the arsenic because the arsenic is easily to be gasified, then released with the gas.

00:42:26.166 --> 00:42:36.992
So my point is at the end of the high temperature fire, the ash or the char still maintain a sufficient amount of copper and chromium.

00:42:36.992 --> 00:42:41.108
So theoretically you should still sustain this molding right.

00:42:41.108 --> 00:43:00.132
But the major problem is not about the amount of copper or the amount of chromium, it's about the state of the copper and chromium, because we have confirmed that at very high temperature those metallic components will have a thing called metal agglomeration.

00:43:00.132 --> 00:43:03.146
So basically all the metals will be compact together.

00:43:03.146 --> 00:43:08.065
So normally the treatment process of the preservation is called full cell.

00:43:08.065 --> 00:43:17.128
So all the chemical composition, the copper, chromium, the arsenic complex, will be bound to the lignin, like everywhere.

00:43:18.563 --> 00:43:20.148
It's part of the material, okay, yeah.

00:43:20.760 --> 00:43:34.971
Yes, so you have a very high surface-to-volume ratio, which means every particle can be exposed to oxygen to have the catalytic effect for the whole thing, which promotes oxidation, which promotes the smoldering.

00:43:34.971 --> 00:43:41.012
But at the end of the high temperature condition, all the metals they just compact together.

00:43:41.012 --> 00:43:49.769
Then you lose a lot of active sites, you lose the active surface area, so the catalytic effect somehow disappears.

00:43:49.769 --> 00:43:54.907
And that's actually a very common issue with combustion engines.

00:43:54.907 --> 00:43:56.869
That's actually a very common issue with combustion engine.

00:43:56.869 --> 00:44:00.914
So many people vehicle engineers or chemical engineers have studied.

00:44:00.914 --> 00:44:11.351
They want to prevent this kind of phenomenon because they want to maintain a very high efficiency of the combustion, so they don't want all the metals to agglomerate together.

00:44:11.351 --> 00:44:16.896
So yeah, that's more into chemistry side of the of the study.

00:44:16.896 --> 00:44:20.992
Um, like, apart from the fire safety engineering but this is beautiful.

00:44:21.432 --> 00:44:23.159
So this is fire science at its finest.

00:44:23.159 --> 00:44:25.806
This is why I you've won the the poster award.

00:44:25.806 --> 00:44:29.393
The reason was I I can always speak to myself.

00:44:29.393 --> 00:44:34.086
It was an interesting discussion at the table, uh, because all all the lecturers have voted.

00:44:34.086 --> 00:44:46.929
But what you've shown was very high-quality fire science, very detailed investigation to really get into the bottom of a very practical fire engineering problem.

00:44:46.929 --> 00:44:49.867
That was the magical part.

00:44:49.867 --> 00:45:12.367
If you want to know why you have particularly won the poster, it's just an application, know, an application, a beautiful execution of a well-planned study for a very good hypothesis, but carrying on to confirm or disprove the hypothesis with a scientific method and at every step, learning a little bit more.

00:45:12.367 --> 00:45:16.409
This is what fire science is all about.

00:45:16.409 --> 00:45:17.311
So beautiful.

00:45:17.311 --> 00:45:20.208
I hope your viva will go well.

00:45:20.208 --> 00:45:25.487
Given this pre-viva, I would admit you to the full viva.

00:45:25.487 --> 00:45:26.471
You seem prepared.

00:45:27.461 --> 00:45:33.900
I don't think I organized very well the flow of the study in this interview because I haven't prepared much.

00:45:33.900 --> 00:45:37.188
I will never do that in my Viva.

00:45:37.188 --> 00:45:45.847
I will prepare a very complete story from the beginning to the end, other than those primary findings from the research.

00:45:45.847 --> 00:45:51.362
Just something to all the key findings on my research, first thing.

00:45:51.362 --> 00:45:58.927
First is some timber species can also smother inherently, so that is very surprising.

00:45:58.927 --> 00:46:06.711
So for normal pine it is fine, but for some certain timber species, like there's one called Queensland whitewood, Okay.

00:46:07.382 --> 00:46:09.860
It has inherent smoldering propensity.

00:46:09.860 --> 00:46:22.643
So, while the other timber species cannot smolder under the same fire condition, but this guy can have self-sustained smoldering and it can even transit to flaming at some point during the self-sustained smoldering stage.

00:46:22.643 --> 00:46:25.956
So yeah, that's a first, that's a first key finding from my phd.

00:46:25.956 --> 00:46:31.250
Some timber species can inherently smolder and we have to exclude that for the further study.

00:46:31.250 --> 00:46:39.969
Because I want to like, I want to figure out, I want to make a difference is this smoldering is from the, is from the chemical or is from the timber itself?

00:46:39.969 --> 00:46:51.423
So my thesis, chapter three uh, is only doing the native timber species, to figure out all the smoldering propensity from 12 timber species and choose the best candidate.

00:46:51.704 --> 00:46:57.623
The best candidate in this case means with no inherent or very less inherent smoldering propensity.

00:46:57.623 --> 00:47:17.967
Then we realize, okay, the smoldering severity is going to increase, with decreased density, as expected, and more concentrational CCA, of course, and prolonged heating, when the other parameters keep constant, but not the higher heat flux or high temperature, as I just explained.

00:47:17.967 --> 00:47:30.268
Then we realized, although the European countries and the US, they use alternative, they'll use alternative, preservative, treated timber, ca, acq, but they can still smother.

00:47:30.268 --> 00:47:37.250
So, long story short, the CCA is the worst, the CA is the best, but the CA CA corporate azole.

00:47:37.250 --> 00:47:45.327
I believe Poland uses corporate azole for the treated timber products, but the corporate azole is the most expensive one.

00:47:46.219 --> 00:47:47.422
We're a very rich country.

00:47:47.422 --> 00:47:50.891
Yes, yes, for sure, and then you might.

00:47:50.891 --> 00:47:52.726
This last thing was not published yet.

00:47:52.726 --> 00:47:54.025
I haven't seen a paper on that yet.

00:47:54.025 --> 00:47:55.465
Is there a paper in the making?

00:47:56.161 --> 00:47:56.965
That's an interesting story.

00:47:56.965 --> 00:48:02.972
So that paper was partially funded by the SFP student grant.

00:48:02.972 --> 00:48:07.130
So I wrote a proposal I think two years ago that I got the grant.

00:48:07.130 --> 00:48:12.992
Then I used them only to purchase the material, to purchase the preservative for sure.

00:48:12.992 --> 00:48:15.282
That's why I know CA is the most expensive one.

00:48:15.282 --> 00:48:19.809
Then I treated all the things with my bare hands but with gloves for sure.

00:48:19.809 --> 00:48:22.492
That's why I know CA is the most expensive one.

00:48:22.492 --> 00:48:24.875
Then I treated all the things with my bare hands but with gloves for sure.

00:48:24.875 --> 00:48:26.396
I treated all the samples.

00:48:26.396 --> 00:48:36.371
Then I did a lot of testing to see if their flaming, like ignition behavior is going to be altered by the preservative and the smoldering behavior like which preservative can enhance the smoldering the most.

00:48:36.371 --> 00:48:42.280
So that's actually a work I think I'll be presenting in the next sfp conference in vancouver.

00:48:42.280 --> 00:48:48.721
Okay, but we are also considering to publish it somewhere if the sfp conference doesn't require a full paper.

00:48:49.402 --> 00:48:57.230
Uh, yes, and so from from all the things we have done, we realized one thing that's the biggest issue, because we need something more practical.

00:48:57.230 --> 00:49:02.472
You can't just tell people yeah, those things have issues, we need to solve it.

00:49:02.472 --> 00:49:04.567
So we have two ways to solve it.

00:49:04.567 --> 00:49:13.753
First, to have another PhD student do the continuation of the work, to work on a modified formula to avoid the smoldering issues of the CCA.

00:49:13.753 --> 00:49:21.427
Because even now we still have a lot of existing CCA infrastructure and there's a lot of CCA in production.

00:49:21.427 --> 00:49:23.813
So we can't just give up CCA.

00:49:23.813 --> 00:49:28.108
So now we have a new PhD student working on it as a continuation of my work.

00:49:28.971 --> 00:49:39.068
Then the next thing is every smoldering test lasts more than two hours and I've done more than 150 of them so I've spent a lot of time in waiting.

00:49:39.068 --> 00:49:40.766
So that is not practical.

00:49:40.766 --> 00:49:46.809
So you can of course test some materials you want to see if they have smothering propensity.

00:49:46.809 --> 00:49:48.519
You can do a fast screening.

00:49:48.519 --> 00:49:59.592
But eventually, for any design purpose or engineering benefit, you need a computation or numerical tool to simulate it.

00:49:59.592 --> 00:50:08.224
So in my last chapter of the thesis we actually adopt a generalized pyrolysis model established by Lundenberger.

00:50:08.423 --> 00:50:10.547
They call it G-Pyro, G-Pyro okay.

00:50:10.628 --> 00:50:11.088

00:50:11.088 --> 00:50:20.367
Yes, to simulate this kind of self-sustained smothering, which was quite successful in comparison to the bench scale study we did in FPA.

00:50:20.367 --> 00:50:28.146
Because, you can't just run numerous, countless repetitions to prove one thing is going to smother.

00:50:28.900 --> 00:50:29.483
Of course you can.

00:50:29.483 --> 00:50:30.567
You just need a lot of students.

00:50:31.199 --> 00:50:32.425
Yeah, you just need a lot of students.

00:50:32.425 --> 00:50:34.186
It's just very people-consuming.

00:50:34.186 --> 00:50:36.240
Yeah, so that's the end.

00:50:36.240 --> 00:50:44.929
So that's the end of the, that's end of my phd and we hope the new student can continue and develop it a bit further fantastic.

00:50:45.050 --> 00:50:46.576
Good job there, mate and uh.

00:50:46.576 --> 00:50:47.800
Are you staying in academia?

00:50:47.800 --> 00:50:48.822
Are you going to industry?

00:50:48.822 --> 00:50:51.028
What's happening with you after your phd?

00:50:51.409 --> 00:50:59.728
um, it's not official yet, but I have started my postdoc research in the same group I've been staying for many years yes, yeah.

00:50:59.728 --> 00:51:05.181
So I'll be working on a totally different field, which is facade cladding material.

00:51:05.181 --> 00:51:14.431
Flame spread this kind of thing and and I'm very glad I have a lot of expert in flame spread like surround me fantastic good for you.

00:51:14.451 --> 00:51:17.340
I'm happy that you see your future in academia.

00:51:17.340 --> 00:51:25.327
We don't have enough good scientists in here, so always a shame to lose one to those pesky multi-billion dollar industries.

00:51:25.327 --> 00:51:25.947
I'm just kidding.

00:51:25.947 --> 00:51:30.168
Anyway, Wang Shen, thank you so much for coming to the Fire Science Show.

00:51:30.168 --> 00:51:40.490
Congratulations once again on your best poster award at our ITV Frisbee Summer School and all the best with your Viva and your future academic research.

00:51:40.940 --> 00:51:42.144
Thank you very much, Volchek.

00:51:42.144 --> 00:51:43.047
It's very nice.

00:51:43.047 --> 00:51:45.103
It's always nice to talk with you.

00:51:45.103 --> 00:51:45.766
I don't know why.

00:51:47.449 --> 00:51:51.097
Thank you Anyway, cheers and that's it.

00:51:51.097 --> 00:51:51.780
Thank you for listening.

00:51:51.780 --> 00:52:28.800
I promise you a journey, and a journey it was from very simple observations in full scale, from having a good research hypothesis through early material testing, identifying what's happening with the material, identifying the reactions, identifying the onset temperature of those reactions, already seeing some differences between the control sample and the sample with the coating, then going into more complicated stuff, assessing enthalpy of reactions, assessing the heat transfer and ending up with investigating the chemical composition, the structure.

00:52:28.800 --> 00:52:36.815
In his paper there's even pictures of those tiny bits of copper inside the char from a scanning electric microscope.

00:52:36.815 --> 00:52:46.168
And I say that because I know a lot of researchers use this type of pictures to enhance the value of their papers and usually they mean nothing.

00:52:46.208 --> 00:52:57.855
But in case of Wenxin it's a beautiful investigation and he really shows up this agglomeration of copper that deactivates the smoldering enhancement by this material.

00:52:57.855 --> 00:53:00.769
Really beautiful study, really beautifully executed study.

00:53:00.769 --> 00:53:11.726
Perhaps not the most useful if you're not in Australia and you're not dealing with electricity poles, but this type of materials, as Wenxian said, are used worldwide, so perhaps of some relevance.

00:53:11.726 --> 00:53:20.831
And the same type of metallurgy, the same approach could be used to study behavior of any additive on timber really to see how it changes the timber behavior.

00:53:20.831 --> 00:53:29.202
I said that we studied a lot on timber configurations, how the configuration of the materials changes the behavior of mass timber.

00:53:29.202 --> 00:53:33.032
Wenchun gives us a tool set to study the material part of that equation.

00:53:33.880 --> 00:53:48.369
So I find that beautiful and it's my mission to bring fire science to you, fire science that you may not even know that existed, fire science that I find intriguing and compelling, and bring that to the world of engineers so you can do with it whatever you like.

00:53:48.369 --> 00:53:54.050
I hope it's at least interesting and entertaining and hopefully practical and useful.

00:53:54.050 --> 00:53:58.581
Anyway, that's it for today's episode and next week.

00:53:58.581 --> 00:54:03.800
My mission statement does not change I'm going to bring you some good fire science on your next Wednesday.

00:54:03.800 --> 00:54:04.900
Thanks, see you there.

00:54:04.900 --> 00:54:32.179
Bye, thank you.