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Hello everybody, welcome to the FireScience show.
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I was looking forward to this episode for quite a long time.
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A year ago I've published an episode when I've talked about crafting a design fire for car parks and we were about to submit a paper back then.
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And finally the paper's out.
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It was published this month in FireTechnology with my student, bartosz Miepówka, who did most of the work.
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Great job, bartosz.
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Anyway, the next day, the Fire Technology published another paper on a very similar subject, also compiling the data sets from the heat release rate measurements of car fires.
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Taking a little different angle, I welcome that addition a lot because it comes from Zahir.
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Zahir is a professor at University Putra Malaysia and his PhD done on car park fires in Canterbury was a strong inspiration for all work we've done in this space.
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So I highly welcome an addition from someone who I look up to in this space as an authority.
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Anyway, of course, I have a podcast, and papers don't tell you the full story of the research done.
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So I thought let's invite Zahir and let's talk over through our papers, let's talk over through what we have found, because a lot of findings are very similar and, as you will see, we share a lot of ideas together.
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However, there are some things that differ in our approaches.
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In my approach, we went into more like steady state approach, identifying the key events that happened during the car fire.
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This is what the previous podcast episode on car park design fires was all about.
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While Zahir in his PhD, he developed a method to establish design fires and he applied the same methodology to the new data set that includes electric vehicles.
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So he actually presents some fire curves and we get into that discussion Discussing how do you make one?
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Is there a point of making one?
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Why did he choose to do it?
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Why we have chosen to not give it to the public and, overall, we just talk about cars and fires and, of course, 2025, we're talking about electric vehicles.
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That is what makes both of our research important.
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In 2015, when Zaheer published his PhD, the dataset was quite complete for internal combustion vehicles.
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However, since then, a lot has happened.
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A lot of EV fires were conducted in laboratories, some new data was obtained and yet we still have some raging gaps in data, which will also be discussed.
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I guess that's enough teasing.
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I've already told you what the episode is going to be about.
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It's a good one.
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You probably don't want to miss this one Car park fires, electric vehicle fires that's an important part of the modern fire science, so let's cover that in the fire science show.
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Let's spin the intro and jump into the episode.
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Welcome to the fireiresize Show.
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My name is Wojciech Wigrzyński and I will be your host.
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This podcast is brought to you in collaboration with Ofar Consultants, a multi-award winning independent consultancy dedicated to addressing fire safety challenges.
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Established in the UK in 2016 as a startup business of two highly experienced fire engineering consultants, the business has grown phenomenally to eight offices across the country, from Edinburgh to Bath.
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Colleagues are on a mission to continually explore the challenges that FHIR creates for clients and society, applying the best research experience and diligence for effective, tailored solution.
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In 2025, there will be new opportunities to work with OFR.
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Ofr will grow its team once more and is keen to hear from industry professionals who would like to collaborate on FHIR safety features this year.
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Get in touch at ofrconsultantscom.
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Hello everybody.
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I am joined today by zahir, an associate professor at university putra, malaysia.
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Hello, zahir, good to have you in the podcast hello, good morning yeah, I'm having my fanboy moment.
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I'm your biggest fan and you know that and for the exact reason why I brought you into the podcast.
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Actually, I remember many, many years ago when we were working on the car park problem in Poland and it was a challenge let's say, 2014, 2015.
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2015, we've released our book in Polish on car park fires.
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I remember around that time you were doing your PhD and you've done amazing stuff on car park fires and amazing stuff on summarizing data, and for me, it always have been a reference point.
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And what's uh, even more, we have revisited that at literally the same week of april last year, where we've both our groups, both submitted the papers independently on reviewing the car park data.
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So super, super interesting that we've ended up in this point together.
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Now, um, anyway, I would like to ask you about your journey in the world of car park fires.
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So if you could briefly tell me how did it started and what's the reason you've entered this world and what's the reason you've continued this research during your stay in spain recently.
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Okay, uh, thank you, wok.
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Firstly, I would like to thank you for inviting me to be in this podcast.
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I'm honored to be one of your guests.
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I've been listening to your podcast for quite a number of times and I think it's a an unbelievable and great podcast.
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Uh, as fire engineer, fire scientist, okay, so, as you all know, my name is Zahir and currently I'm permanently employed as an associate professor in University Putra, malaysia, but currently I'm having my sort of like postdoctoral leave in Universidad de Navarra, spain.
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So about your question about my journey doing this research of vehicle fires in car parks, actually it started in 2011 when I began my PhD in University of Canterbury, new Zealand, under the tutelage of Dr Michael Spearpoint and Professor Charles Fleischman.
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During that time, when I was enrolled in University of Canterbury, I didn't know much about fire science, fire engineering and so on, because I came from the background of chemical engineering.
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So I began and began to to learn about fire engineering.
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I attended classes and so on, and it happens that later on, I was doing research in vehicle fires in car parks.
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So I've been working in that area for four years until I finished my PhD.
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The PhD was we were looking to find the worst case scenario of a car park fire.
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So that's sort of like the whole objective of the PhD.
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So what is the potential worst case scenario in a car park?
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So we were looking into the literature, we were looking into various resources that we can access openly, because there are so many documents around the world some of them are like their native languages and so on but we were trying our best to find all the information that was there during that time.
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So, using the statistics that we can get, using all of the information of experiments or test data that we can get, in the end, what we did was that we were trying to, sort of like, do a risk analysis in which, as we all know, risk analysis consists of probability and also consequences.
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We were looking into the probability of fires to happen in car park and also we were looking into, if it happens, what are the consequences.
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We are looking into all of those data, we do some analysis and so on.
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In the end, it turns out at the end of the thesis we concluded that the highest risk was a single vehicle fire.
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So it was based on the statistics and so on.
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So it is what it is, and then I finished my PhD in 2015.
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I went back to Malaysia and since then I've been permanently employed by a university from Malaysia and then for a number of years I've been doing something else other than vehicle fires.
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I've been doing like even to the extent that I'm getting into peak fires forest fires because it's sort of like a national problem at that time.
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So I've been doing many things and around 2020 or 2021, I think during the COVID times, or 2021, I think during the COVID times I was applying for the Mary True Reaction Postdoctoral Fellowship, in which at that time, I was still eligible to apply for it.
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And then it turns out that I think that my proposal was good because I was awarded the grant.
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You got a Marie Curie action on that.
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I didn't know that really I did.
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Hence the stay in Spain.
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Congratulations, Zahir.
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That's a big one.
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I was not aware of that.
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That's a considerable achievement on its own, and this one was on electric vehicle fires.
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So let's say round two of your research.
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Was there any specific reason why you chose that it needs to revisit?
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Was the electric vehicle hazard like so different from you what you've seen during your PhD?
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I think around 2020, 2021, I think it's sort of like five or six years after I finished my PhD there was some group of engineers in Malaysia who came to us and they asked sorts of questions and so on, and during that time there were this emergence of new electric vehicles and emerging technologies and so on.
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And then one of the questions that came from the engineers was they were to design car parks.
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Do they need to use different design fires to design car parks?
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So that's sort of the questions that came to us at that moment and I didn't have the answer during that time because I didn't know.
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So that results into the proposal writing of the Marie Curie Action Postdoc Fellowship, in which we are trying to look into these problems of electric vehicles and to find the answer.
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Is it any different with combustion vehicles?
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So that's sort of like the simple question we had during that time.
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So, yeah, that leads to what I'm doing now in Spain.
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For us the journey into this problem and then how we ended up writing our review.
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It was like twofold story.
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So first we were working a lot with the car parks corporate design.
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We have settled down on traditional design curves from tno in poland and and I'm still quite happy with them I've been involved in the cn actions where we write the european standard for jetfan systems, which has completely different, like the megawatt curve.
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It's a different story.
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Anyway, that was quite okay-ish in the 2010s.
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And then I remember a particular day, like I vividly remember how it unraveled.
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So prior to that, everyone was talking oh, electric vehicles, they burn.
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Completely different, there's going to be a hazard.
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And we were like, ah, no, it's not, like it didn't look that bad, we didn't have that bad, we didn't have data, we didn't have knowledge.
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There were just like individual fires, not not like you did not have statistics, you had maybe five, five cars that burned down all around the world.
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At that point, 2019, and I remember that evening, there was this fire in shanghai.
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There is like Google Tesla fire in Shanghai, or whatever.
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You everyone's seen the video like one white vehicle and it goes like there's a flare gone, like in seconds, there's a flare coming out of that vehicle, you know, and I saw that video and I'm like holy shit, this is so different from anything else that I have worked on with so far with car fires and based on the size of that flare, I immediately realized it must be around a megawatt, maybe one and a half, maybe 700, I don't know megawatt-ish, you know.
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And on that particular day I was working on a car park, so I was doing a CFD for a car park, for a commercial project, so I immediately stopped that commercial project, you know, and I restart the simulation, but starting assumption that it doesn't grow linearly to, because in TNO curve you reach 1.4 megawatts, but you do that in four minutes.
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Instead of that, I just start the simulation immediately with one megawatt flat, like, like in the video.
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It just started and I run the simulation, I wake up in the morning, I watch the results and, holy shit, they're like, they're much worse.
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Like in this particular car park that I was working on, where I had tenability for my design fire, I suddenly lost it when I did this new setting and I remember I even texted Guillermo, like we do the comparison, like we're not ready for this.
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This needs research, and at that point we're.
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It was quite the lucky thing because I just had awarded an internal grant for multi-parametric vehicle fire analysis.
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Evs were not part of that grant but that morning, oh hell, they became a part of that grant and we've done like hundreds of CFfds on on different scenarios involving very quick fire growth in vehicles where we've shown that if your car park is tall enough it's not a problem.
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It only became an issue when the car park was not high enough.
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And that for me at that point I've settled down on EV problem because I understood that the difference in the early phase you can mitigate it with height, you're good.
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Then some years later we start the grant on multi-parametric wind and fire and our subject is a car park and we come back to the problem.
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Okay, so what kind of a design fire do I put in this academic research which is not a commercial project?
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If it was a commercial project, hey, I would just go TNO curve and I'm done.
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Perhaps I would modify we sometimes modify the TNO curve to include for this sharp, quick growth at the early phase of the FHIR.
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To illustrate the EV problem.
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Like you know, runaway problem For commercial.
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I'm set For research.
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I need to justify right.
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So I hire a student for that, bartosz, and I give him a simple task that I hope that it will take him a week to finish, bartosz, just go through the literature.
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Take Zahir's PhD.
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Look what has been published afterwards.
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Let's just summarize this and we're done.
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Three years later, we published this paper because it was a loophole.
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Like the amount the scatter of data is insane.
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But when you try to understand what is causing this scatter of data, wow, that's a whole world and a whole story that unraveled for us.
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We really wanted to have a good justification for our design fire and what we found is such vastness of different things that happen in those experiments and, hey, it's explainable.
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Like you can explain everything you see in those curves almost everything.
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But if you want to compare a car park in which a tank ruptured versus a fire in which someone broke a window, like it's so difficult to average this.
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You need to go through that and that's the reason why we went into three years of writing this paper and summarizing this in a way that we try to show the reader, like what leads to the data and why we eventually gave up on finding a curve.
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We'll get back to the curves in this episode if anyone wants to now turn off, because I said we will do the curves later.
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But anyway, that's our story.
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It's fascinating how cars burn.
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Anyway, your PhD, main source of inspiration for us.
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You've done the job that we did on your own, reading through all the reports.
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So perhaps let's clarify how do we obtain data on vehicles, like when you have a data on a vehicle fire?
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What do you mean by that, what do you actually have and how we got it?
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Okay, so during my PhD.
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So I was looking into the severity of vehicle fires, and what I mean by severity is that we were looking into the hit release rates of a single passenger vehicle fire.
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And then we were trying to look into the literature and then any accessible test data or experimental data that we can get.
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So we were looking into data from the I think the earliest was around the end of 80s and then the 90s and then up until 2011 and 2012-ish.
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So we were looking into the test data in terms of single vehicle fire tests or experiments that we can find In my PhD.
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We were looking into the problem as we assume that vehicle fires in car park is sort of like a traveling fire, in which that, for example, if a vehicle starts to burn, then it releases energy and then on that particular vehicle there will be like heat fluxes that reaches to other combustibles.
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And then we were doing another sort of like sub-research that we can estimate or predict when is the next vehicle to ignite and so on.
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So in the end we will have a profile of the vehicle burning in car parks, because we think that when we are talking about vehicle fires in car parks, it's not a simultaneous vehicles are going to burn at the same time.
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So it's one vehicle.
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It will not only start, but the highest possible scenario is for one vehicle to burn and then it spreads to another vehicle, and so on, and so on, and so on.
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So that's the basis of why we assume it is sort of like a traveling fire.
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So that's why we are looking into the severity in terms of heat release rates, because in heat release rates we are able to sort of like predict what are the heat fluxes that reaches the combustibles and so on.
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So yeah, that's what we were looking at when we are looking for car fire data.
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So for your research it was mostly the heat release rate, right.
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But you've said it was from the single vehicle experiments.
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No-transcript have the ability to capture the heat release rates.
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So really it's not that you can have calorimetry results of multiple cars going off, the second vehicle igniting and you capture those curves and you would also not capture them independently.
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You would see one lump curve of all of them.
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You have to grow that from the single vehicle data.
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In the era of EVs do you see the same trends following In the era of EVs?
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Do you see the same trends following?
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I also don't know of multiple EV vehicle experiments and I also don't know of experiments where a firewood traveled into an electric vehicle.
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Does this observation still hold?
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Okay, I think one different observation about electric vehicles in this regard, when we are talking about fire spreads in vehicles, is that there is the potential of electric vehicles to spread much quicker.
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This is one of our observations.
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Usually, when we are talking about electric vehicles, they have their batteries installed underneath the passenger cockpit, the passenger area, in which usually the manufacturers they have a good separation between the batteries and the passenger area.
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So one of our worries is that when fire happens, or once the battery is burning, it can get deflected to the side, in which it might potentially ignite the vehicle next to the burning vehicle much quicker.
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That's what worries us and that is sort of like our next step in our research in which we are planning to look into this problem, because when we are talking about battery fires, they might potentially get into jet fires of very high velocity.
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So there's this potential of fire to be spreading much quicker, but at the moment it's not supported by any data.
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But this is just our worry and our observation of what can be.
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It's one of those things that sounds plausible.
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Like you have a battery underneath the vehicle, it may be exposed quicker.
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But then again, the battery is, like in many vehicles, it's already a part of structural design of the vehicle.
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So it's behind many millimeters of solid steel.
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It's not like many batteries dangling under the floor of the car.
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It's really like behind quite a sound case.
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And when I talk with people who are actually burning electric vehicles, a common thing people say is they were surprised how difficult it was to make the battery go off, like if you had to attack it from outside.
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So again, I'm looking forward to that data, because it's something we definitely would like to have to understand how easy it is to transfer the fire.
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The other thing is also that, taking this jet fire away, the battery is technically in the best place for the vehicle, because in a normal car park fire, the thermal radiation would be from the top, from the smoke smoke layer, from the flames, so so the battery is literally in the most shielded place of the vehicle out of all of them.
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So perhaps in the end, like minus the jet fires, maybe that's the best place.
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I I don't know.
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Yeah, again, something to look for.
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Uh, for me one observation that that comes to my mind.
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If any fire engineer very easily understands the concept that if you have a fire like a one megawatt fire, you put it in a small room, it's a big fire.
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You put it in an aircraft hangar, it disappears, it's irrelevant.
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So the place where the fire happens, the surroundings of the fire, are as big part of the design fire as the megawatts themselves, like the context in which the fire is placed.
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And here, working with those design fires, we see calorimetry being done in different ways.
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Like you have cars burned under very tall hoods, like literally a car lying in an empty space and five meters above it there's a hood that extracts smokes.
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You had TNO, which changed a car park into a calorimeter.
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You had BRE, which built a small room that looked like a car park and burned like a small passenger garage.
00:23:21.660 --> 00:23:31.109
You had Joyer, who did in a hood but with a ceiling and a configuration that perhaps imitated a car park.
00:23:31.109 --> 00:23:38.496
So it's very interesting in how many different conditions those experiments are Like.
00:23:38.496 --> 00:23:47.269
From your insight into this research, how big variety of the conditions in which the EVs were tested Did you see?
00:23:47.269 --> 00:23:51.886
You went very deep into that in your paper on the experiments.
00:23:52.214 --> 00:24:10.423
Yeah, I think in terms of that it is something that we are completely aware, because obviously the test conditions, when we are talking about the test conditions, even how the labs were set up obviously is going to be different and all I mean what you have already explained.
00:24:10.423 --> 00:24:27.805
But the main idea of our work is to look into this variability of tests and so on, and that's why the idea of probabilistic input came into the work, because looking at all of these variabilities for example, some of the tests, they started the burning from the world.
00:24:27.805 --> 00:24:38.324
Because looking at all of these variabilities, for example, some of the tests, they started the burning from the batteries, and then even I think there was one or two which tried to ignite the vehicle from the tires or something.
00:24:38.324 --> 00:24:47.086
So obviously when we are talking about where's the location of the ignition itself will obviously affect the burning of the object.
00:24:47.976 --> 00:25:07.281
So the idea of our paper is that when we are talking about a probabilistic input, we are trying to sort of like mirror the real-world scenarios in which the randomness of the fire itself, it could start from anywhere and with different growth and so on, and with different growth and so on.
00:25:07.281 --> 00:25:14.050
So the idea is that if we have more data, so the more reliable the analysis is going to be.
00:25:14.050 --> 00:25:27.625
But we have to work with what we have, and then even the data that we have now is actually have been filtered from more other data that I don't think can be used in the world in itself.
00:25:27.625 --> 00:25:37.127
So, yeah, that's the idea of the paper itself to include all of these potential scenarios that might happen in the real world.
00:25:37.127 --> 00:25:50.404
So we have this probability or this distribution or collection of all of these tests to produce and to find the tendencies of these fires and the growth and even the peaks and so on.
00:25:50.404 --> 00:25:53.262
So that is sort of like the idea.
00:25:54.675 --> 00:25:59.688
You bring me to a very interesting case, because it's also something that was a rationale for us.
00:25:59.688 --> 00:26:01.520
So we've seen a lot.
00:26:01.520 --> 00:26:03.602
I mean, this is a practical problem.
00:26:03.602 --> 00:26:05.843
You said you started it as a practical problem.
00:26:05.843 --> 00:26:08.103
Someone approached you hey, zahir, how do we do it?
00:26:08.103 --> 00:26:12.481
You need to have a good answer for that and this practical problem.
00:26:12.481 --> 00:26:20.949
You would like to say with some certainty that the average hit-release rate is this or the 95th percentile.
00:26:20.949 --> 00:26:21.815
Is this right?
00:26:21.815 --> 00:26:26.907
But to get that, we found that you really need to have a complete data.
00:26:26.907 --> 00:26:29.519
Your PhD was a very, very complete data set.
00:26:29.519 --> 00:26:37.974
After we went through like 2,000 papers, there was barely very little that we could find that was not already covered by you in 2015.
00:26:37.974 --> 00:26:40.909
Since then, of course, you have not covered the future.
00:26:40.909 --> 00:26:52.815
Perhaps you should work on that, zahir, but it's challenging to give those average values when you're working with such a completely varied data set.
00:26:53.240 --> 00:27:02.335
Some vehicles were burned with open windows, some with closed, some where the tank was full, some with the tank empty, some with the tank in which there was a hole.
00:27:02.880 --> 00:27:04.747
Yes, they spread off close on the metering.
00:27:04.767 --> 00:27:06.507
yeah, it's ridiculous.
00:27:06.507 --> 00:27:28.833
It's ridiculous, but would you consider this how to say, this collection of evidence we have from experiments as perhaps a collection of potential outcomes and then, within those outcomes, find some probable scenarios and move on?
00:27:28.833 --> 00:27:34.045
Or you are just looking for this one worst fire, you take it as the worst possible and then you work up probabilities from I don't know some failure trees or other means.
00:27:34.045 --> 00:27:36.508
How do you turn this data set into probabilities?
00:27:37.180 --> 00:27:39.869
Okay, that is an interesting question.
00:27:39.869 --> 00:28:07.344
I mean, looking back into my paper, is that we are trying, first we are trying to collect all the available data that there is in the wild from the resources, and then we try to get as much information from all of those resources and we present them in our paper, and then we we try to do some analysis here and there and so on, and at the end it is up to the engineers to to make a decision.
00:28:07.344 --> 00:28:15.722
So sort of we are sort of like collecting all the data, all the basic data, and then the engineers can make decisions out of it.
00:28:15.722 --> 00:28:17.107
So that's one part.
00:28:17.107 --> 00:28:25.362
Another part is that in our paper we are also focusing on something that we have introduced before.
00:28:25.362 --> 00:28:27.828
For example, in my PhD.
00:28:28.211 --> 00:28:46.662
We have introduced a method that we can form or create or construct a design file in which I think, if you, you notice, and and in this paper, there's a small section of what kind of values you can put into the growth part and then the decay part, so that you can construct a design file.
00:28:46.782 --> 00:29:00.500
So I mean it's up to the engineers if they want to use their own method, if they want to interpret the data in their own way, or else they can use our method of constructing a design file that we introduced before.
00:29:00.500 --> 00:29:15.259
So yeah, and in the bib, in short, we explained that these data sets can be used to construct a design file of electric vehicles or combustion vehicles that you want, to use it for any kind of purposes you want.
00:29:15.259 --> 00:29:22.574
So we are actually presenting options for the users, for the engineers, to use whichever they like.
00:29:22.574 --> 00:29:32.645
And then, like I mentioned earlier, we presented all the information that we can get, even to the extent that what happened during the test.
00:29:32.645 --> 00:29:35.795
So we we put sort of like a timeline of each test.
00:29:35.795 --> 00:29:41.511
So yeah, from from the resources, from the papers, from the literature we can get.
00:29:41.653 --> 00:29:46.626
So we explain everything I think we're reaching the point where we will talk about the curves.
00:29:46.626 --> 00:29:49.990
And this is interesting because here our approach is kind of split, where you try to find the curve and we'll talk about the curves.