Evacuation And Human Behaviour Episodes

Nov. 6, 2024

176 - The Myth of Panic with Daniel Nilsson

You are not supposed to use the word 'panic' in the context of human behaviour in fires, yet this episode contains 196 instances of it. Why? because we try to get to the bottom of the thing! Can panic be both a myth and a rea...
July 24, 2024

161 - Community evacuation with Enrico Ronchi and Max Kinateder

Is evacuation of a community during a wildfire largely different from evacuation of a building? How much of the knowledge from the building fires is directly useful in planning and managing such an event, and what stuff is co...
May 8, 2024

151 - Elevator evacuation with Axel Mossberg

The fire is detected in the building. Please evacuate. Do not use the elevator. I’ve heard this emergency message perhaps a thousand times. It is deeply engraved in my mind to the extent that the moment I hear the first beep ...
Jan. 3, 2024

134 - Fire Fundamentals pt 5 - The Evacuation Equation with David Purser

It's time to learn about "the evacuation equation" from one of its creators. This week I interview prof. David Purser about the elements that go into the evacuation process that help us determine the fire safety of buildings....
Dec. 12, 2023

132 - Dis-abling buildings - fire safety features from wheelchair user perspective with Mary Button

This is an important episode. Our guest for today, UK fire engineer Mary Button, who uses a wheelchair herself, shares some of her own stories and feelings describing the reality for many disabled individuals. Drawing from he...
Sept. 21, 2022

068 - Human walking speed and factors that influence it with John Gales

What factors influence the walking speed of an occupant? Is it just their physiology and crowd density? It seems it is more complicated than that (as most things are in fire science...). Dr John Gales of York University takes...
May 25, 2022

052 - More realism in evacuation modelling with Anne Templeton

You have seen these lovely evacuation simulations, the ones with a bunch of agents moving together or clumping at an exit. Ones that we use to determine ASET condition, and which are present in almost every large PBD project....
Feb. 9, 2022

037 - Human behavior misconceptions that lead to (mis)modelling with Enrico Ronchi

If you were investigating phenomena and built your whole narrative around a flawed and debunked concept, would that get published? Would that get cited? Would that be recognized? Many of us would say an obvious *no*, but that...
Sept. 21, 2021

019 - Modelling human behaviour in wildfire evacuation with Erica Kuligowski

There is plenty of fire engineers who think they are modelling human behaviour... Some claim they can do it... And there is very, very few who actually did and succeeded with it. One of them is today's guest, Dr Erica Kuligow...
Sept. 1, 2021

016 - The future of evacuation modelling with Enrico Ronchi and Ruggiero Lovreglio

Evacuation modelling is paramount in accounting for the human aspect in our fire modelling. But how is it developing? Where are we with our tools, and where are we heading with them? What are the most profound challenges rela...
July 13, 2021

009 - Cognitive biases and decision making in evacuation with Michael Kinsey

Why do we take certain decisions during an evacuation process? How do we choose the evacuation route? These are often affected by cognitive biases, which is the main theme of today's episode. With Dr Michael Kinsey we will di...