Experiments That Changed Fire Science Episodes

July 31, 2024

162 - Experiments that changed fire science pt. 9 - Jin's experiment on visibility in smoke

In this episode of Experiments that Changed Fire Science we cover T. Jin’s experiments on the visibility in smoke – two experiments carried out in 1970 and 1971 in Japan that truly changed the way how we model fires and how w...
Dec. 6, 2023

131 - Experiments that changed fire science pt. 8 - Modelling Cardington Fire Tests with Asif Usmani

In this part 8 of Experiments that changed fire science series we revisit Cardington (previously covered in part 2 - https://www.firescienceshow.com/078-experiments-that-changed-fire-science-pt-2-bre-cardington-with-tom-lenno...
July 26, 2023

111 - Experiments that will change fire science pt. 7 - CodeRed with Panos Kotsovinos

In this week's series covering experimental fire science, we venture into a recently finished Code Red project by ARUP, led by my today's guest Dr Panos Kotsovinos. The project was carried out in CERIB with the collaboration ...
June 7, 2023

104 - Experiments that will change fire science pt. 6 - MaCFP with Arnaud Trouve

What makes an experiment truly groundbreaking, and how can researchers plan and execute such experiments in fire science? Join us as we chat with Professor Arnaud Trouve from the University of Maryland, a co-chair of the MaCF...
March 22, 2023

094 - Experiments that changed fire science pt. 5 - Compartment fires at NBS with James Quintiere

In the fifth episode of mini-series 'Experiments that changed fire science' we cover the compartment fire experimental campaigns carried at NBS (now NIST) in 1970's and 1980's, with the maybe most famous of them all - the Ste...
Jan. 25, 2023

086 - Experiments that changed fire science pt. 4 - Runnehamar tunnel with Haukur Ingason and Anders Lönnermark

Would you rather do 20 published experiments and take your impact factors, or make one that truly changed the world of fire science? Or maybe a different way, would you pursue something that is quick, easy and gives immediate...
Dec. 28, 2022

082 - Experiments that changed fire science pt. 3 - WTC Investigation with Kevin McGrattan

Fire science is often accelerated by tragedies. The same goes for the tools we are using and the methods we know. In the early 2000's we already had some great tools, in fact, it was the era where the paradigm of fire modelli...
Nov. 30, 2022

078 - Experiments that Changed Fire Science pt. 2 - BRE Cardington with Tom Lennon

If Dalmarnock was the reality check for fire modelling, we could call the work carried by BRE at Cardington the birthplace of Structural Fire Engineering. Welcome to episode 2 of Experiments that Changed Fire Science! In thi...
Nov. 16, 2022

076 - Experiments that changed fire science pt. 1 - Dalmarnock Fire Tests Round Robin study with Guillermo Rein and Wolfram Jahn

Welcome to a mini-series of episodes on experiments that changed fire science. In the first episode, we cover the a prioiri and posteriori modelling task within the Dalmarnock Fire Experiments programme carried out by the BRE...
June 2, 2021

Smouldering megafires with Guillermo Rein

Guillermo Rein is a recipient of ERC Consildator Grant on smouldering megafires. The most challenging source of founding, meant for the projects that can truly change the world. And his HAZE project is just like that - to stu...