Top 5 Episodes Episodes

The top5 most downloaded episodes of the show.
May 3, 2023

099 - Electric vehicle fires in tunnels with Peter Sturm

Do you have any idea how bad the tunnel fire will be if there is an EV involved? That is a question I hear a lot, way more often than I would like. And usually, my answers do not get approval. I guess telling people "doesn't ...
Jan. 4, 2023

083 - Fire fundamentals pt 1 - Combustion and flame with Rory Hadden

Let's start another mini-series! This time 'fire fundamentals' where we are going to learn some basics from the world's best. It is usually fascinating to do that! Not sure how you feel about it but I would kill for a chance ...
Sept. 15, 2021

018 - Engineered timber with Danny Hopkin

Engineered timber is on a trajectory to become the construction material of the future. However, on that pathway there stands the fire issue. Wood burns, it is inevitable. This is something we must accept, and learn to work a...
June 2, 2021

Smouldering megafires with Guillermo Rein

Guillermo Rein is a recipient of ERC Consildator Grant on smouldering megafires. The most challenging source of founding, meant for the projects that can truly change the world. And his HAZE project is just like that - to stu...
June 2, 2021

Tenability criteria with Gabriele Vigne

How do you know if a building is safe in fire or not? Usually through performing ASET-RSET analyses, in which you determine how and when the tenability criteria in the building are breached. This is what I discuss with dr Gab...