Fire Science, Engineering And Education Episodes

The current hot-topics in fire science and engineering
May 24, 2023

102 - Fire Safe Design Competent Architect with Michael Woodrow

We all agree competencies are key to fire safety. We have discussed this. We have argued about this. We have come up with decent sets of core competencies, course curricula and numerous courses and modules that help us be com...
May 17, 2023

101 - The Society of Fire Protection Engineers with Chris Jeleniewicz

What is the Society of Fire Protection Engineers? I just got a really good answer from the Interim CEO Chris Jeleniwicz. It is our profession. It is us. With this important definition sorted, we dig into what SFPE is doing (a...
April 12, 2023

097 - Smoke toxicity (Part 2) Asphyxiants and irritants with David Purser

This episode is the 2nd part of interview with Professor David Purser, this year recipient of IAFSS'14 Emmons Plenary Lecture. If you have not seen it, I would highly encourage you to first listen to the Part 1 , which sets t...
March 29, 2023

095 - An AI supported Fire Safety Engineer with Michael Kinsey

It is the newest Internet craze. In my opinion, maybe even be the most disruptive tech since bitcoin or the Internet itself. And suddenly, we got a lot of very interesting conversations around, but I've lacked on oriented on ...
March 14, 2023

093 - The story of the golden era for the US fire science with James Quintiere

It's finally here, the episode many of you were waiting for! Discussing the history of US fire movement with prof. James Quintiere from the University of Maryland. I often wondered what it felt like in the 1970's and 80's whe...
March 7, 2023

092 - European Commission view on Performance Based FSE with Adamantia Athanasopoulou

It seems we will not have EU Fire Code for at least a few more decades... Why is that? Because the people in power found out that it is not the most efficient thing to do it right now. And they found it through the power of r...
Jan. 11, 2023

084 - Industry lead research with Steve Gwynne and Mike Spearpoint

In my first episode, I mentioned that I'm doing this podcast to preserve some amazing conversations and share them with a larger audience, as sometimes it is a huge waste of interesting thoughts that remain just between the f...
Dec. 21, 2022

081 - The origins of FDS with Kevin McGrattan

Has it ever crossed your mind how would our discipline look like, if we did not have Fire Dynamics Simulator? Maybe you had an opportunity to discuss CFD with colleagues from other disciplines, to find their faces in shock an...
Nov. 9, 2022

075 - Spacecraft fire safety with David Urban

Dear Terrestial Fire Engineers, let me take you on a journey that will make you experience fire engineering like nothing on our planet. Because in fact, it is the fire engineering of spacecraft for their operations in a zero-...
Nov. 2, 2022

074 - Engineering not magic, intumescent coatings with Andrea Lucherini

Intumescent coatings are not magic. They are a product of amazing engineering, a theatre of thermophysical properties that create an insulative layer that sometimes is the only thing holding fire from destroying a structure. ...
Oct. 26, 2022

073 - Smoke control in shopping malls - uncommon aspects that make or break the system

Long before I started the podcast, my bread and butter was to find clever ways to remove smoke from shopping malls. Actually, I like to believe I was pretty good at the job, given the fact some of the biggest projects in East...
Oct. 19, 2022

072 - Extracting the secret of IMFSE from Bart Merci and Eulalia Planas

Many creators will not agree, but in some cases, copying is the highest form of admiration. And there are things in Fire Safety Engineering that are more than worthy of being copied. One of them is the famous International Ma...
Oct. 5, 2022

070 - Fire resistance is whatever you want it to be with Piotr Turkowski

Today we talk fire resistance, but unlike you have ever heard. Join me and Dr Piotr Turkowski - two fire laboratory professionals in an honest discussion about their craft. The challenges in standardization and committee work...
Sept. 28, 2022

069 - Challenging fires at the wildland-urban interface (WUI) with Michael Gollner

Why so many researchers are spending their time tackling fire issues at the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)? What is so challenging about this? We always lived near nature, why today this emerges as one of the 'hottest' topics...
Aug. 2, 2022

061 - Glazing in fire with Yu Wang

The relation between ventilation conditions and fire severity is quite a fundamental one. You don't even have to be a fire safety engineer to realize that more air means a bigger fire. But how does air get into the compartmen...