Risk, Performance Based Engineering And Modelling Episodes

Dec. 28, 2022

082 - Experiments that changed fire science pt. 3 - WTC Investigation with Kevin McGrattan

Fire science is often accelerated by tragedies. The same goes for the tools we are using and the methods we know. In the early 2000's we already had some great tools, in fact, it was the era where the paradigm of fire modelli...
Dec. 21, 2022

081 - The origins of FDS with Kevin McGrattan

Has it ever crossed your mind how would our discipline look like, if we did not have Fire Dynamics Simulator? Maybe you had an opportunity to discuss CFD with colleagues from other disciplines, to find their faces in shock an...
Dec. 14, 2022

080 - Adaptive Fire Testing: A new foundation stone for fire safety (ERC StG Grant) with Ruben van Coile

Today is a great day to celebrate with Prof Ruben van Coile of Ghent University, who is most likely the first representative of Fire Safety Engineering to receive a grant within the European Research Councill Starting Grant s...
Nov. 30, 2022

078 - Experiments that Changed Fire Science pt. 2 - BRE Cardington with Tom Lennon

If Dalmarnock was the reality check for fire modelling, we could call the work carried by BRE at Cardington the birthplace of Structural Fire Engineering. Welcome to episode 2 of Experiments that Changed Fire Science! In thi...
Nov. 16, 2022

076 - Experiments that changed fire science pt. 1 - Dalmarnock Fire Tests Round Robin study with Guillermo Rein and Wolfram Jahn

Welcome to a mini-series of episodes on experiments that changed fire science. In the first episode, we cover the a prioiri and posteriori modelling task within the Dalmarnock Fire Experiments programme carried out by the BRE...
Oct. 26, 2022

073 - Smoke control in shopping malls - uncommon aspects that make or break the system

Long before I started the podcast, my bread and butter was to find clever ways to remove smoke from shopping malls. Actually, I like to believe I was pretty good at the job, given the fact some of the biggest projects in East...
Oct. 12, 2022

071 - Risk as a tool for thinking with Ruben van Coile

When thinking about 'risk' do you view it as a tool? I usually thought about it as a concept or maybe as a measure of 'how safe my building is?', but I have not really appreciated how beneficial it might be when used in such ...
Sept. 14, 2022

067 - Next-gen smoke control experimental facility and a digital twin with Grzegorz Krajewski

We've felt a bit awkward about how FSE handles smoke control in corridors. If you look closely into common practices, they rarely do include impressive engineering - more often you see some 'tips and tricks' that make the CFD...
Aug. 31, 2022

065 - Understanding mesh sensitivity and model uncertainties with Jason Floyd

Will a higher resolution mesh make my CFD more accurate? That is a harmless question, and most of us would tend toward 'I guess yeah'. But let us try and unpack this. Into atoms! What does higher resolution mean? How exactly ...
Aug. 10, 2022

062 - BIM (not only for fire) with Peter Thompson and Rino Lovreglio

It does not matter if you hate or love BIM, does not matter if you use it daily or have no idea what it is... Building Information Modelling will be an important part of our engineering future and we better get used to it. I...
June 29, 2022

056 - Performance Based Fire Protection Engineer with David Stacy

How does being a volunteer firefighter improve your abilities to do Performance-Based Design (PBD) and how your knowledge in PBD may translate to firefighting? That is not a question you can ask to every fire protection engin...
April 20, 2022

047 - Effective pressurization of compartments with Grzegorz Sypek

Pressurization is a common strategy for protecting spaces against the infiltration of smoke. However, the solution has a kind-of bad press as "not-working" or "incapable to meet its design goals". We know, that the systems ar...
April 6, 2022

045 - Foundations of fire safety with Ruben van Coile and Danny Hopkin

How does one decide when a building is fire safe? That is a real hell of a question to answer! Is it when no harm can occur? But such a condition can never be fulfilled... there is always a meteor waiting around the corner to...
Feb. 23, 2022

039 - The (near) future of modelling with a tool developer Bryan Klein

What does the future hold? Probably no one knows. But what happens in near future with some of the most popular tools used by the FSE community? That is a great question to a tool developer - Bryan Klein of Thunderhead Engine...
Jan. 12, 2022

033 - Science, theatre or engineering? Polish take on hot smoke test with Piotr Smardz and Janusz Paliszek

Have you ever heard about the hot smoke testing approach? If you had, there is a great chance you have not heard anything positive about it... From our experience, this method is often downplayed as useless, unrealistic and i...