Smoke And Visibility Episodes

Oct. 26, 2022

073 - Smoke control in shopping malls - uncommon aspects that make or break the system

Long before I started the podcast, my bread and butter was to find clever ways to remove smoke from shopping malls. Actually, I like to believe I was pretty good at the job, given the fact some of the biggest projects in East...
Sept. 14, 2022

067 - Next-gen smoke control experimental facility and a digital twin with Grzegorz Krajewski

We've felt a bit awkward about how FSE handles smoke control in corridors. If you look closely into common practices, they rarely do include impressive engineering - more often you see some 'tips and tricks' that make the CFD...
April 20, 2022

047 - Effective pressurization of compartments with Grzegorz Sypek

Pressurization is a common strategy for protecting spaces against the infiltration of smoke. However, the solution has a kind-of bad press as "not-working" or "incapable to meet its design goals". We know, that the systems ar...
Jan. 12, 2022

033 - Science, theatre or engineering? Polish take on hot smoke test with Piotr Smardz and Janusz Paliszek

Have you ever heard about the hot smoke testing approach? If you had, there is a great chance you have not heard anything positive about it... From our experience, this method is often downplayed as useless, unrealistic and i...
Dec. 8, 2021

030 - Visibility Prediction Framework with Lukas Arnold

If you ever had anything to do with Fire Safety Engineering, you have most likely touched the visibility in smoke. What's an easier way to explain how bad the conditions are inside of a building than saying how much smoke was...